Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Did you just judge me, Ms. Pediatrician?!

Yesterday was Ethan's 18 month check-up.  Everything went well for the most part.  Several things did annoy me - one being that the "well" area had no toys, but the "sick" area did.  How much sense does that make?  Wouldn't you not want to give the sick kids an extra place to share germs?  The receptionist also asked me how much my co-pay was.  I'm sorry to be "that person", but isn't that part of your job?  I didn't just walk in off the street.  You knew I was coming, and you already had my insurance information in the computer.  So, then we get called back.  The exam room was ridiculously warm.  I was sweating.  At our last pediatrician's office, they would turn on a heating lamp because we would have to strip Ethan down to his diaper.  There is no heating lamp in this office - it was just balls hot.  So, then the pediatrician comes in.  This is the 2nd time we've seen her.  The first time I chalked my unpleasant vibes up to the fact that they had literally just switched to an electronic system and were getting used to it.  That was over three months ago, which means those kinks are worked out.  This time we had no issues with the computer system.  No, this time is was about the pacifier.  Oh no, not that he had one.  The issue came when he threw it on the ground, and the pediatrician picked it up to wash it off.  After she washed it off, she said, "Is it holding water?"  To which I replied that all of his pacifiers want to hold water.  We squeeze them out and boil them regularly.  She made a face, and reluctantly gave it back to Ethan.  Then, on her way out of the room, she said, "Well, I guess it's better than the thumb."  Um, excuse me?  Did you just judge me for the functionality flaws of my son's pacifier?!  Something I have nothing to do with?  I even told her that if she knew a brand that didn't try to hold water, to let me know because I haven't found one yet - and we went through several different ones.

Seriously.  I am beyond sure that you see parents who don't give two rat turds about their kids, and you want to judge my child's pacifier holding water?  Wow.

So, now what?  Do I bring him back?  Or, try out another pediatrician?  Decisions, decisions...