Thursday, February 6, 2014

So close we can taste it...

That is exactly how we feel right now.  The painters have finished their second coat, and the granite guy installed the outdoor kitchen top yesterday.  The cabinet hardware has been installed, too - and looks great!  I just need to figure out handles for the barn doors (no rush - could do later).  Gas has been hooked up, and the HVAC guys came out and set our unit yesterday.  As it stands, the apoxy finish will be done this weekend, and we can start moving in next week after the CO inspection. o_0

Like, next week?  As in (MAYBE) seven more days?  H.O.L.Y.S.H.I.T.

Only bad thing is that this weather has completely effed up our whole landscaping timeline.  I mean really, Louisiana?  WTH is this ice crap?!

If that is the worst of our worries, then I guess it's not that bad.  We don't have to have landscaping to move in, but it would have been nice.  We definitely need to have it done for the appraisal, which we need for closing on our mortgage.  I guess it's a nice thing that we went the "custom" route with a construction loan, so we don't have to wait to move in once we pass all inspections.

Oh yeah, and we got to see our little Liam last week!  He is 4lbs, 3oz - or so they say...  Either way, he is wonderful and healthy, which is all that matters.  As it stands, I have paid the balance on our doula and our birth photography - which makes me feel much more at ease.  We will be meeting with the doula in a few weeks to discuss detail and expectations.  I think that meeting is going to make everything especially real.  Hopefully, we will be partially settled in the house and just getting things ready for Liam's arrival at that point.  Honestly, I really need to focus on my plan for work.  Things have been cuh-razy with people trying to do VERY last minute open enrollment changes (did you not read the email with the deadlines in bold??), new year updates/changes in general, and a whole laundry list of WTF items.  So....I haven't really given much thought to my maternity leave plan.  No bueno.  Hopefully, I can play some major catch-up over the next two weeks and then spend the last week of this month formulating a plan.  I don't see myself going out before my due date, but you never know.  Honestly, there is never a good time to go on maternity leave in HR.

Anyway, I will leave you with these fabulous updated pictures!