Friday, June 6, 2014

Liam Edward Hathcox

Now that Liam is almost 3 months old and I am back to work, I am finally finding the time to finish writing about his birth story (it's been in the works for a few weeks now).  I have bolded the times to help keep track of how quickly things started to progress.  It was definitely a wild ride...

**Disclaimer: I'm going to speak honestly about it all, so just be prepared.  This isn't a day at the park.  It wasn't pretty.  I mean, c'mon.  I pushed a kid out of my vagina.

Saturday, March 8th - more than 2 weeks before Liam's estimated due date
Michael and I had a few items left to move out of my parents' house.  So, we leisurely got up that morning and headed over to make a load/run.  My parents were out of town visiting my older brother in Austin, so we didn't hang around to chitchat like we normally would have.
I think he might have wished for his little brother that day. :)
On our way back, we decided to pick up some lunch from Don's Seafood - I had serious cravings for their mildly spicy chicken and sausage gumbo!  We tried putting Ethan down for his nap, but he was very restless.  So, once we were done with lunch, I laid down with him to help him settle - turned out to be a very good thing!
Around 5:30pm, we woke up from our nap to find that Michael had left to make another trip for items from my parents' house.  As I was sitting on the edge of Ethan's bed, I felt like I was about to pee on myself!  I ran to the bathroom, but once I was there, I didn't really feel like I needed to "go" was different.  I was...umm....leaking without really peeing.  At this point, I thought, "Maybe my water is breaking...Naaaah!  I still have to be at work at least another week to get my temp trained!"  Plus, I still had a small list of to-do items.  So, I got up and started to pick up around the house.  That lasted all of about 30 seconds, and I was back in the bathroom again!  This time, I started pushing on my stomach and I would "gush".  Oh shit.  I called Michael.  "I think my water is breaking?"  He immediately headed back to the house.  I called my mom - "Go to the hospital right now!"
Ok, so this is where things start to get fun.  Yes, I was 99% sure my water was breaking, but I hadn't had that momentous break like it did with Ethan (granted, they broke my water in the hospital, so it was a little different).  Plus, my contractions were not painful or uncomfortable, so I couldn't get a good grip on timing them.  I texted our doula, Hannah, and our birth photographer, Joylynn, at around 6:20pm.  I was thinking that we might head to the hospital soon, but after talking to Hannah, I felt more comfortable about not rushing.  My plan was to go natural, so I wanted to be as comfortable as possible through the labor process.  I wasn't worried about getting to the hospital in time for an epidural.  (Although, as it turns out, I really do pop babies pretty quick, so it's a good thing I already had no epi in my mind!).
We started to pack for the hospital, and I went ahead and showered.  Ethan was so confused as to what the rushing around was all about.  At one point I was just standing in the shower because I didn't know what else to do, and he came running up to me saying, "Don't pee in the shower, Mommy!!" LOL
Michael's parents arrived around 8pm or so to stay with Ethan while we were gone for the night.  He was pretty much ready for bed, so it didn't make sense to uproot him to somewhere else.  We packed the car, gave lots of hugs and kisses and headed out a little after 9pm.

I had decided that we had plenty of time, so we went by Whole Foods to pick up my labor snacks - fruit gummies and energy honey combs.  At this point, I'm starting to feel the contractions, but they're only mildly uncomfortable.  Still thinking we had plenty of time, we head to the Target close to the hospital.  Once inside Target, each contraction slowed my walking a little.  I could tell they were getting more intense, but still not painful.  We selected a baby book and then I wanted to grab a "going home" outfit.  That was still on my to-do list, and I figured I might need a preemie outfit since he was going to be an early baby - which turned out to be right!  When we checked out of Target, our receipt read "10:10pm".
Because I hadn't eaten since lunch, I asked that we stop at the IHOP by Target to get some eggs and toast.  Michael thought I was crazy, but obliged.  There was going to be a 15 minutes wait, so we sat down.  A large group of 15 ladies walked in behind us and filled the waiting area.  All of a sudden, I felt a waterfall start in my pants. OH SHIT.  I ran to the bathroom.  It wouldn't stop.  Now what?  I get to walk out in front of everyone looking like I can't stop pissing my pants!  Since I was obviously pregnant, I hoped that everyone would see the real event that was going on instead.  I later found out that I left a puddle on the seat next to Michael, and that one of the ladies in the group that came in after us made big eye contact with him - so he had to be the embarrassed one and clean up after me!  I came tearing out of the bathroom saying, "We have to GO.  My water just REALLY broke!"
We run out to the parking lot and I rip my pants off and jump in the car.  I had planned ahead with covering my seat with towels, thankfully.  Michael goes to pull out of the parking lot to head to the hospital and I stop him.  WTF?!  "Pull over there, we can't go to the hospital yet!"  Again, WTF?!  For some reason, I couldn't wrap my head around everything that was going on.  I asked Michael to grab a fresh pair of underwear and pants for me; to which he replied, "Why?  They're just going to get wet too!"  Let me explain something... A woman in labor can be a very unreasonable human being.  She wants what she wants, and she wants it NOW.  So, I sat there staring at the clean, dry underwear and pants Michael had just handed me, and I tried to think and be reasonable.  Finally, I handed them back to him and said, "You're right.  Let's go to the hospital."  I tried to call Assessment to let them know I was coming, and they directed me to call the after hours nurse line.  WTF.  I'm having a baby, I was just letting you know that I'm on my way as a courtesy.  So, I do as I'm told and call the after hours line for my doctor.  They tell me to go to Assessment.  Figures.

So, we pull up to Assessment at the hospital, and I am overcome with emotion.  I am in denial that we are having a baby tonight, and I start crying as we walk up to the doors.  Michael asks me if I'm alright, and I start sobbing about how I can't have a baby tonight because I have to go to work on Monday to train my temp.  Again, WTF.  He assures me that we are having a baby tonight, so going to work Monday is doubtful. LOL
I get inside and tell the receptionist that my water broke, and they quickly get me one of those stylish blue cloths to sit on while I wait to be checked in by the nurse.  Once I'm called back to the little side room, they ask Michael to wait in the waiting area for a few minutes.  I go through all of the fun questioning and they ask if I have a safe place to go after the baby is born.  Well yes, but then I realized that was the reason Michael was asked to wait outside.  Wow...kind of scary to think that there are some women out there who could/would answer no to that question with their abusive significant other waiting on the other side of the wall.  I smile and say, "Yes, I do."  Michael and I are then transferred to the back where I slip into my cutesy hospital gown that I brought (because I'm vain, obviously).  The nurse comes in and goes over my birth plan details with me - pretty much no problems with any of my requests, which was nice.  Michael was then asked to go pay our estimated balance before we went upstairs - hospital gotta get the money!  At this point, it's a little after 11pm and I am 4cm dilated - thinking it might be a long night.  Ethan arrived about 2 - 2 1/2 hours after they broke my water, but I also had a pitocin drip to speed things along.  So, I had no idea what to expect with a natural birth...

Sunday, March 9th - ish
Michael gets back and they roll us upstairs to Labor & Delivery (a little before midnight).  We get in and settled - which means they ask a lot of the same questions Assessment did and then put in my hep lock (in case of emergency, and I need IV fluids, meds, etc.).  While they're taking care of that, Michael contacts Hannah and Joylynn again.  My contractions are 3-6 minutes apart, and I'm still about 4cm dilated.  Hannah starts heading to the hospital, and Joylynn decides to wait a little longer since I can still talk through the contractions.  Since I'm not tied to any machines, I'm free to roam.  Michael starts walking laps with me around the nurses station.  We make a total of three laps - each progressively harder to get through - before heading back to the room.  Hannah arrives just as Michael is getting me back to the bed.  The staff calls Dr. Perniciaro (my doc) - not sure if this was the first or second call.  At this point it's 12:40am and I'm on all fours in the bed in pain.  I'm thinking this was about the point where I asked for an epidural with Ethan, and I'm starting to question if I'm going to be able to make it all the way.  Hannah starts to coach me...breathe into the pain, let it go.  I'm not sure what kind of noises I was making, but they sure did help.  Michael texts Joylynn that it might be soon; and I ask to get in the tub to try to relax a little and help with the increasing pain.  While they're running the water, the nurse checks me and says that I am at 6cm now.  Before I get in the tub, she wants to do a quick fetal check - which did not feel quick AT ALL.  I was hurting and she was trying to get Liam's heartbeat with the sensors that are usually connected to the mother (but I had requested they not be).  After what felt like forever, she got enough information to tell he was still doing well.  I stripped down to my sports bra and eased into the water.  I immediately felt better.  The time is now 1am.  Hannah asked if I wanted the birthing ball to lean on, which I did.  That was probably the most comfortable and awkward part.  The ball was way too big to be in the tub, but leaning across it helped me feel better.  All of a sudden, I have two back-to-back contractions and I literally feel him drop into the birth canal.  Oh shit.  "I'm think I'm about to push!  I feel like I need to push!"  The nurse checks me, and I'm at 8cm and his head is right there - nothing left but to dilate just a little more and push him right out.  She tells me that I will have to get out of the tub as soon as she gets back.  She alerts the rest of the staff, and they start to rush in.  Now, it's too late.  I feel him coming.  I can't help it or stop it.  I push.  The nurse comes running back, checks me and tells the others to call it - he's here.  I hear clicking camera sounds - Joylynn made it.  One more push and they help him out.  He's in my arms. 

What just happened?  Did I really just do this?!  He's here?  Oh my God, he is so beautiful...He is perfect.  So many people in one little bathroom space, and it's just me, Michael and Liam.  Liam cries - the sweetest little sound.  Then, he's calm.  He's looking right at me.  It's like he is studying me the same way I am studying him - trying to remember every detail of this moment...where we met for the first time.  A few minutes later Perch stuck his head in and said, "Well, congratulations!"  He may not have made the birth, but my body knew just what to do.

Liam Edward Hathcox was born at 1:10am.  He weighed 6lbs 14oz, and was 20.5" long.  Liam's birth could not have been more perfect and beautiful.  It was everything I could have ever imagined, and more.  I did not plan to have a water birth, but wouldn't trade it for the world now.  I am so thankful for Michael and Hannah, and my very supportive nurse (who's name I wish I could remember).  I wish every woman could have the same experience I did - to labor and birth as she wants in a safe and loving environment.  Sometimes things are out of our control and we just have to let God take over.  I feel so very blessed and fortunate for my story.  Below is a link to the slide show that Joylynn prepared for us.  I cannot explain the pure, raw emotion that courses through you when your child comes into this world.  Maybe this video can do what words cannot...

Liam Edward's Birth Story by CherBebe
password: 032014
check your speaker volume - music playing
(G rated, maybe PG depending on who you are) ;)