Thursday, January 24, 2013

Letters to Ethan

My dearest, sweetest little boy...

There is so much I want to tell you every single day.  And, I do - even though you may not remember it now.  If there is only one thing I could teach you, it would be to love with all of your heart.  Love is the basis of all good things in life.  Without love, you are nothing.  The ability to show compassion and empathy for others is something this world is losing.  I want you to love yourself as a person, and I want you to value yourself.  Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.  Do not let someone else place a value on you - YOU determine your worth.  And, you are priceless.

Your smile illuminates your entire being, and it fills my heart beyond measure.  Your eyes shine with so much joy, and I never want you to lose that.  Happiness is something that money cannot buy.  You must first be happy with yourself.  Sure, money can buy things, but they do not make you who you are.  There will be times when someone around you may make you feel inferior because of what they have that you do not.  You are going to go through so many emotions as you grow up, but do not let them blind you to the bigger picture.  You are so very loved.  No matter what you own or have in possessions.

Daddy and I will always be here for you, and we will always love you more than life itself.  We spend so many days and nights being in complete awe of your beautiful little spirit.  We talk about how much we prayed for you, and how blessed we are that God entrusted you to us.  Love plays such a huge role in our lives and how we want to raise you.  We want to be honest with you, and show you who we are as people and as your parents.  I fell madly and deeply in love with your Daddy, and he with me.  Honestly, we are still madly in love, just like we were as two crazy kids dating.  No matter how embarrassing it might be to you, we will always show you that we love each other.  I will hold your Daddy's hand, give him hugs and kisses, and snuggle up to him on the couch.  I want you to know what love feels like and looks like.  One day, you will find the person who makes your heart smile and your soul sing.  Treasure them.  Treat them with respect.  LOVE them, and show them that love.  Be considerate when you argue, and do not hit below the belt.  And, if you do, be genuine when you apologize.  We all makes mistakes, my son.  It is how you handle those mistakes that show your integrity and humility.  If you ever hear or see Daddy and me arguing (although, I pray you never do), I want you to also see respect for each other.  Respect is just as important to any relationship as love.

I love you, Ethan - whether I am here on Earth or somewhere in the great beyond.  Always.


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