Thursday, January 7, 2016

New Year's Goals

Everywhere you look, you see New Year's Resolutions popping up in all shapes and sizes.  I started to give some thought to whether or not I really wanted to join the cliche, but realized I had already started what I would have considered as one of them.  So, what the hell?  Just to be different, I labeled them as my "Goals".  Resolution is defined as "a firm decision to do or not to do something".  I wouldn't say these are "firm decisions" - they are truly goals.  So, with that in mind, here are my goals for 2016:

1.) Continue on my weight loss journey, and get back down into the 130s.  Oh, this is a fun one.  First of all, I have to admit to the world that my Driver's License is a dirty liar.  Second, it just reminds me that these first 10 pounds I've lost are just the beginning.  I'm building muscle, and my clothes are fitting in a drastically different and better way.  So, if I get into the low 140s and I feel/look amazing, then I'm good with that!  Looking back at myself at 130-135, I was skinny for me - but I was also mostly a cardio bunny with a little bit of muscle.  So, I think 135-140 is a favorable goal, but I could easily live with something higher if my body is slammin'!

2.) Complete at least one sprint triathlon.  This is obviously in the same spirit of the first goal.  Before I had Ethan, I did 5ks, 10k, a half marathon and a few sprint triathlons.  I have ZERO desire to do anymore running races, but I LOVED the triathlons.  I have a competitive spirit, and the mix of swimming, biking and running was perfect.  Rocketchix was awesome because it's all ladies and smallish compared to other competitions.  However, these types of races have grown in popularity so there are definitely a few more options than there were several years ago.

3.) Earn my PHR certification.  So, this is a goal that keeps getting put on the back burner.  I've taken classes, and even attempted the test (that bitch is no joke) at the worst times of my life - being pregnant, living with my parents and building a house (no stress, right?!).  So, my goal is to carve out some time to truly dedicate to getting this done.  The test is give twice a year, and planning to take the Winter 2016 test would probably be in my best interest when you start including the above goals.  Once I get to the summer and gear down into body maintenance mode, I can dedicate more energy to this certification.

4.) Pay off my car & eliminate any remaining CC debt.  They says it's good to carry a little bit of debt when it comes to building your credit score.  Honestly, I don't really give a shit about that for this goal.  We made sure everything was perfect for building and acquiring our house - followed the rules even if we didn't like them.  But, now... The house is done and there will not be any large purchases any time soon.  In that spirit, it's time to knock that shit out.  That means strapping down and making budget cuts.  I've already made some cuts by looking at what can be eliminated on a monthly basis.  It's not fun, but the end result will be a lot more financial freedom.

Again, these are my "goals" for the year.  I realize that I may not hit one or two (or any for that matter!), but I'm a planner and enjoy a challenge.  Here's to a better year and an awesome 2016!

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