Thursday, December 29, 2016


So, here I sit after having called to move the delivery date of our new bed for the fourth time. Originally, we were going to be home by Thanksgiving. Then, a few slow days turned it into "DEFINITELY before Christmas!" Oh, wait, the granite guys took over 2 weeks to get back to finish their work - which held up the plumber and trim guys. Looks like, it will be after Christmas - but BY NEW YEAR! Opps...plumbers and trim guys are taking longer than expected. And, the floor guy is behind on another job. At this rate, it could be Valentine's Day - but let's not get too excited.

To say the last 4 1/2 months have been stressful is a complete understatement.

My life has been turned upside down. My boys don't want to sleep at night - partly because of shuffling through different beds and environments. Air mattress some nights, opportunity for a real bed another night or two, shift over to another house and bed for a night.... It's no wonder they are wound up and cranky at times. They can't play the way they were accustomed to pre-flood - they don't have their toy room or big yard with their trampoline. There are more rules, more "don't touch that", more "sit down", more being quiet... My work days consist of roughly 2.5-3 hours round-trip commutes, 9-10 hours at work, a couple of hours spent with the boys/doing laundry/straightening up our space/etc. and approximately 1-2 hours fighting them to go to sleep. That leaves less than 7 hours to combine sleep and getting ready for work in the mornings - and that's if there is nothing else to add in the mix. If a stop at any store needs to be made, go ahead and take that out of the "sleep" allotment.

I feel more unhealthy than ever right now (I've gained at least 20lbs back). I can't store food and cook the way I did before - there are just too many of us sharing space. We do the best we can, and thankfully my dad has been cooking hearty meals (although not so great for my waistline). My regular gym is still renovating from the flood. I've tried to visit other locations, but it's just another thing to add to the list that is completely out of the way. I even tried to go to 5:30am Spin on Perkins, but even that didn't work. Class doesn't start on time, and then I have a very small window to get showered and dressed for work to be there on time. Ended up being super stressful... AND, I was ready for a nap by 10am. No bueno.

I have never felt so frustrated with my situation. And, so helpless... Which is not fair of me to allow for my family or myself. I keep saying that once we get home and have a chance to breathe, that things will start to fall back into place. I am such a planner, and this has been WAY out of my comfort zone. I am so ready for the next couple of weeks to pass. SO READY.

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