Monday, July 25, 2011

604,800 seconds

We are on a final countdown.  I will be holding our precious little sweet pea one week from today at the latest!  We decided last week that August 1st would be our induction date, unless baby decides to come earlier.  Honestly, I hope that s/he comes on its own....but I'm not holding my breath.  I want to max out the time I have with him or her, and this is my last week at work.  Judge me if you like. ;)

Right now I am thisclose to just chugging some castor oil and hoping for the best! lol

In the meantime, let me entertain you with some updated pictures of the nursery!

I think we are finally ready for the baby!  Obviously, there will be some additions/changes to the nursery once we know pink or blue.  Plus, I plan to commission a name painting to match the owl/quote painting above the crib.

I'm actually more excited to post pictures once the baby has been here for a couple of weeks and we've been able to theme it more. :)  I'm quite happy with everything so far!  I really wanted a calm, but fun environment, and I feel like this is a great start.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

The waiting game

And, that's where we are now.

I started having contractions yesterday, and really thought that I might go into active labor.  Turns out, not so much.  My contractions have not stayed consistently regular and close enough together.  For most of the day, they were 4-9 minutes apart.  Then, last night they were 10 minutes apart for a little over an hour.  I went to bed thinking that we might be making a run for the hospital before the morning.

Well, morning came.  No baby.

The little booger is still moving around, so no worries that anything is wrong.  Guess my body is just getting ready.  Koopa has been really clingy with me the past few days, too.  Plus all of the other signs/symptoms from over the weekend have had me convinced that I will have a baby before this week is over.  I hope I'm not wrong!

I would really like for this baby to come on its own.  I have my 38 week appointment tomorrow, and I'm hoping for some good progress news!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Couch Potato

I have officially transitioned from the bed to the couch for sleeping purposes.  Last night was the second time, and I definitely notice a difference in the physical quality of my sleep.  I do miss my bed though - VERY MUCH.  Michael is such a sweetheart.  He made a pallet on the floor next to me and refuses to sleep in the bed unless I'm there with him.  And, since I've slept better on the couch, he thinks we should continue this until the baby arrives.  I love my man.

I am officially full-term today!  Eek!  And, today was the first time in three weeks that I've had no progress.  I am still 70% effaced and 2cm dilated - not a bad thing.  I am just ready to meet our little booger!  He said we can talk about induction dates next week.  Michael and I can pick any day between the 27th and August 3rd to have our baby (if I don't go into labor on my own).  I was kind of thinking maybe we could go in on Sunday, July 31st; and then baby can decide if he or she will squeeze out on the last day of July or the first day of August.  Decisions, decisions. ;)  The more I read about the months and days, the more I lean towards August 1st.  In all honesty, I hope the baby decides to come on its own and not make me pick a birthday!

In the meantime, I just sit and wait!

Monday, July 11, 2011


Today is just one of those days.  Seems like "those days" happen more often than not now!

Sleep does not exist anymore.  I had coffee this morning.  I was quietly daring someone to say something.. lol  So, please excuse any ramblings below that may not sound rational or make any sense whatsoever.

I learned something this weekend - In the last month of pregnancy, Chinese food might taste like heaven, but it will make you hate yourself the next day.

We have 3 weeks and 2 days until our due date.  That's 23 days until I have a little person who knows me as "mommy".  552 hours until I am 100% responsible for the care of another life in this world.  And, for some reason (possibly the level of "over it" I am at), I'm not terrified.

I updated my iTunes and created my labor play list last night.  I hope those songs don't come back later and make me twitch from the memories of pushing a child out of my lady part.

I think that's all for today.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Maternity pics are up!

So, I have to turn into a little attention whore for a second. :D  Our maternity session has been posted!  Our friend/photographer featured us in a blog ( and I also have a link to the rest of them for anyone that is interested.  I cannot express enough how much I love them!  She did such an amazing job, and I could be more pleased with the result.  We will treasure these for many years, and now I am even more excited for the baby to arrive!  I cannot wait to see the beautiful work she will do with our little one.