Tuesday, July 19, 2011

The waiting game

And, that's where we are now.

I started having contractions yesterday, and really thought that I might go into active labor.  Turns out, not so much.  My contractions have not stayed consistently regular and close enough together.  For most of the day, they were 4-9 minutes apart.  Then, last night they were 10 minutes apart for a little over an hour.  I went to bed thinking that we might be making a run for the hospital before the morning.

Well, morning came.  No baby.

The little booger is still moving around, so no worries that anything is wrong.  Guess my body is just getting ready.  Koopa has been really clingy with me the past few days, too.  Plus all of the other signs/symptoms from over the weekend have had me convinced that I will have a baby before this week is over.  I hope I'm not wrong!

I would really like for this baby to come on its own.  I have my 38 week appointment tomorrow, and I'm hoping for some good progress news!

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