Monday, July 11, 2011


Today is just one of those days.  Seems like "those days" happen more often than not now!

Sleep does not exist anymore.  I had coffee this morning.  I was quietly daring someone to say something.. lol  So, please excuse any ramblings below that may not sound rational or make any sense whatsoever.

I learned something this weekend - In the last month of pregnancy, Chinese food might taste like heaven, but it will make you hate yourself the next day.

We have 3 weeks and 2 days until our due date.  That's 23 days until I have a little person who knows me as "mommy".  552 hours until I am 100% responsible for the care of another life in this world.  And, for some reason (possibly the level of "over it" I am at), I'm not terrified.

I updated my iTunes and created my labor play list last night.  I hope those songs don't come back later and make me twitch from the memories of pushing a child out of my lady part.

I think that's all for today.

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