Monday, April 30, 2012

2 steps forward


Ethan took two steps on his own between his TeeMaw and Aunt Cara.  I was thisclose to bursting into tears.  Part of me hopes it was a fluke, another part hopes that it was not.  How could this happen?  My baby, who has no interest in crawling, is trying to walk.  He'll be 9 months tomorrow, and my heart is breaking.

Michael and I were talking about the different phases that kids go through.  I am currently hanging on to the "baby phase".  I told him that he better not try to rush Ethan out of this phase because it is so short for me.  I find myself rocking him "just a few more minutes" at night where we were putting him down right after saying his prayers.  He will be a year old in just three short months.  I wish I could pause time.  But, that is what those few extra minutes in the rocking chair each night feel like - like I am pausing time.  Even though brief, it is like the world stops for me and my baby.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

What's Ethan up to?

Ever felt the need to cut a bitch?  Yeah, me neither. /sarcasm

I just want to say that I am thankful that no matter what happens during my day, I can take a deep breath and smile knowing that I get to squeeze my little nugget when I get home. 

Ethan has not REAL interest in crawling or pulling up to stand.  He loves his walker, and loves to walk if you hold his hands.  I'm trying not to be all crazy-mom-concerned.  He may not crawl, and I'd just have to get over it.  He's perfectly strong enough, just not interested I guess...  Most moms are telling me to be grateful that he's not fully mobile on his own yet.  But, I do like realizing his milestones with him.

In the food department, he's a regular "solid" eater now.  We introduced yogurt last night, and he loved it!  I think it felt good on his gums.  He cut his second tooth yesterday. *tear*  I've started making his food more on the chunky side, so we've moved to the next level of consistency.  My baby is growing so fast. :)

On a side note, I had gummy worms for lunch.  What of it?

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Hello Month 8

How the hell have we gotten through 8 months of caring for an infant?  Sometimes I wonder.

It's weird.  Very weird when I sit down and think about it.  Life is different, like *BOOM!* different.  There is not an action or a thought that I go through that doesn't involve my little nugget.  And, I wouldn't have it any other way.

So, we've had a breakthrough in our battle with D.R. Horton regarding the leak in the front bedroom closet that has slowly been getting worse and worse.  We had conceded to the fact that we were probably going to have to make a claim on our homeowners' insurance policy - which we were NOT happy about.  Before we took that step, we decided to sit down with one of my mom's best friends who is also a realtor.  We wanted to get some advice on what we needed to change with the house over the course of the next few months to prep it to go on the market.  While filtering through our original paperwork, she pulled out our Preoccupancy Checklist, which CLEARLY stated that there was a leak in the front bedroom to be fixed prior to closing.  What they did was patch it so that it LOOKED like it had been fixed.  Not even our inspector caught it.  It's been a 5 year long battle out of the 6 years we have been in the house.  Since we have produced that evidence (that they also have a copy of, but conveniently are unable to find), they are agreeing to come in and fix it.  Although, Michael is possibly going to have to argue with them again regarding them not wanting to repaint the entire entryway's stucco.  Aww, hell no!  We are not going to be saddled with mismatched shit.  We might be LP, but we ain't trashy!

I'm just excited to finally be looking at getting out of that hellhole of a neighborhood.  I will miss my custom paintjobs in the house, though.  Damn.  Can't win 'em all.