Thursday, April 12, 2012

What's Ethan up to?

Ever felt the need to cut a bitch?  Yeah, me neither. /sarcasm

I just want to say that I am thankful that no matter what happens during my day, I can take a deep breath and smile knowing that I get to squeeze my little nugget when I get home. 

Ethan has not REAL interest in crawling or pulling up to stand.  He loves his walker, and loves to walk if you hold his hands.  I'm trying not to be all crazy-mom-concerned.  He may not crawl, and I'd just have to get over it.  He's perfectly strong enough, just not interested I guess...  Most moms are telling me to be grateful that he's not fully mobile on his own yet.  But, I do like realizing his milestones with him.

In the food department, he's a regular "solid" eater now.  We introduced yogurt last night, and he loved it!  I think it felt good on his gums.  He cut his second tooth yesterday. *tear*  I've started making his food more on the chunky side, so we've moved to the next level of consistency.  My baby is growing so fast. :)

On a side note, I had gummy worms for lunch.  What of it?

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