Friday, August 16, 2013

Two years old, so many changes

Wow.  It has been more than six months since the last time I blogged.  It definitely doesn't feel like that much time has passed.

So much has changed and happened in the last six months.  Actually, the bulk has happened in the last two.  Let's take a little trip...

Back around February/March, we had Ethan checked out for speech delay.  I even went as far as getting his hearing checked, just in case.  Everything with that test came back fine - as I knew it would.  The kid understands every single thing we say.  He follows directions extremely well.  Once we ruled that out, we coordinated with the Early Steps program to get him tested.  What we found out was that he did have a speech delay, but no delay anywhere else.  This meant that he was not qualified to participate in the Early Steps program.  However, they were very helpful with information on getting Ethan some speech therapy on our own - which is what we've been doing since the end of March.  He has absolutely flourished with Ms. Hope.  We have enrolled Ethan in Mother's Day Out, which will start in September.  We are all very excited to see how much more he opens up and improves his vocabulary once he is interacting with other children on a daily basis.  Ms. Hope thinks that we won't need her much longer once he starts that.  He is almost up to speed with where he should be as it is.

Back in March, I also got my first visible tattoo!

Uh, yeah it hurt like hell.

I absolutely love it, and it fits under the band of my watch, so I can cover it nicely at work when needed.  The "E" is for Ethan, of course.  I left enough room for at least one more initial, possibly two more.  There are a few meanings behind it, and I waited more than a year to do it just to be sure.  Dandelions are a symbol of childhood, and I can remember constantly looking for them in my parents' field.  I'd pick them and blow as hard as I could and make a wish.  In that same innocent spirit, Michael and I prayed and wished for God to bless us with a child.  He answered our prayers, and we have prayed for him to answer us again.  Which brings me to my next bit of news....

See the baby? ;)

Yep!  Due March 25th!  We're having a Spring baby just like we hoped for!  We are so incredibly excited and cannot wait for Ethan to be a big brother!

With this baby, we are leaning towards finding out what we're having.  The main reason for this is because we are about to start building our new house, and will have roughly 2-3 months in the house before baby arrives.  I won't have all of this extra time before I get uncomfortably pregnant to paint and decorate.  Plus, with a toddler running around, it's highly unlikely that I will be wanting to decorate anything more than what is already there once the baby arrives.  Plus, I kind of want to know what the other side feels like.  There was so much excitement and anticipation with Ethan and not knowing.  I'm curous to know how different those emotions are with knowing.  Will I feel more connected to this baby?  Will my anticipation be greater?  I don't think that either will be the case, but it will be fun experiencing this pregnancy in a slightly different way.

Speaking of building the house...  We decided (for several reasons) to keep our first home together as a rental property.

And, guess what?  It rented out in SIX DAYS!! o_0  So, guess what that meant?  GTFO.  And, now here we are living with my parents as of July 6th!  Exciting, right?  It's not that bad.  It saves us in gas because we don't have to make a trip there every morning and afternoon to drop off and pick up Ethan, which is nice.  Dad cooks every night, so I don't have to plan dinner.  There are definitely some perks.  Plus, we're hoping to hit our savings goal by going this route.  A new house always means new things - even if you swear you're not going to buy anything new.  Plus, with this baby on the way, we will need a new crib for the baby or a new bed for Ethan.  Thankfully, his crib converts to a toddler bed & full-sized bed, so we'll have options.  And, who knows what we kept from Ethan that will need to be replaced.  I am praying that my breast pump won't make that list!!

So, that's about all I have time to talk about for now.  It's been a wild ride, and we are only just beginning.  I am planning to continue updating this blog with all the fun shnit that comes with being a Landlord (kinda - we hired a property management rep) and building a house on our own.  Oh, did I mention that?  We're not going with my company to build our house.  Oh, no.  We're doing it ourselves (with the help of one of our Superintendents).  Don't worry.  You'll get all of the juicy details as we go. ;)


  1. That's fabulous news, congrats!!!

  2. I know all about living with parents/in-laws while the new house is built. It is worth it and you will save a ton of money.
