Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Representin' the Crunchy Mommas!

There is something that I have been realizing on a more regular basis, and it always makes me laugh when I do...

I'm a crunchy mommy! 

Well, kind of.  I'm getting there. :)  Crunchy moms are your neo-hippy moms.  They breastfeed their babies, make their baby's food (usually from all organic fruits & veggies), cloth diaper, baby wear (which I LOVE to do with my Sakura sling)... And, I drive a Prius!  Now, I do not practice co-sleeping, but to be completely honest....that is only because Michael would not allow it.  Trust me, if I could snuggle my baby every night, I totally would.  In fact, I take advantage of every opportunity to, including co-napping on the weekends and bringing him to bed with us any time he wakes up fussy during the night (which, sadly, is very rare).

I also plan to go as far as possible drug-free for our next birth.  Now that I know what to expect, I think I might be able to handle it better (or at least prepare better).  Granted, I think that I did pretty well considering I was at 7cm when I did get the epidural!  Had my water broken somewhere else, I would have probably had no choice but to deliver drug-free.

And, lastly, I am converting our home to a chemical-free lifestyle.  I have been very excited about this, and I feel amazing every time I clean with these products because I know I am doing something good for our home.  They smell wonderful, and I know that my baby is safe from harm.  I am using the EcoSense line from Melaleuca, and would love to tell you about it if you are interested in ridding toxins and chemicals from your home.

Of course, I am not a completely crunchy mommy. I do not question established medical authority, and I keep Ethan up-to-date on his vaccines. I also had my son circumcised. No offense to anyone who chooses not to, but we decided that "like father, like son" would be easier for teaching bodily cleanliness.  I also have no interest in home schooling.  Although, I do plan to be a major support system to him at home with homework, recreational reading, etc.

I never pegged myself for one of the "hippy types", but I am in love with doing things that are better for my baby.  I know that I will not always be able to protect him and make decisions for him, so it is important to me to do those things right now.

Monday, March 12, 2012

I have my baby back!

Ethan has returned to being my little snugly, sweet baby again!  In the wee hours of Sunday morning, he woke up and would not go back to sleep.  I brought him in the big bed with us, and he snuggled right up to me and fell back to sleep.  My heart completely melted.  I love that little dude so much!

It blows my mind that he is already more than 7 months old.  I wish I could pause time.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

No more snuggles?

I've mentioned before how Ethan is not as much of a snuggler as he used to be...  I saw a glimmer of hope at church the past several weeks.  He would nuzzle into my neck and chest, and fall asleep.  Well, last night, I saw that hope shatter. :(

He rolled onto his stomach around 11pm.  This freaks me out, so anytime I catch him I go turn him back onto his back.  Well, this time, that woke him up.  Ultimately, he ended up in bed with me and Michael.  Typically, I LOVE when this happens!  Any reason to snuggle my little monkey is a win-win for me.  I laid him down between us, and curled up next to him, wrapping my arm around his waist.  Welp.  He wasn't having that!  He squirmed and fussed until I let him go.  Once I stopped trying to fight him for snuggles, he fell right to sleep.

I didn't sleep well, but at least he did...

Friday, March 2, 2012

No tears

Lately, Ethan has been showing me how much of a big boy he is.  He sat through Ash Wednesday mass with me without crying or fussing.  He has also been going for afternoon runs with me twice a week without getting upset.  Then, today, he got his second flu shot and didn't cry!

It kind of makes me sad. :(

It's like he doesn't need Mommy to comfort him.  He has also resisted cuddling on a few occasions in the last few weeks.  *sigh*  My baby is growing into a big boy - at 7 freaking months old.

I read this little poem the other day, and it made me tear up.  Thought I would share:

Cooking and cleaning can wait til tomorrow
For babies grow up, I've learned to my sorrow
So, settle down cobwebs. Dust go to sleep
I'm rocking my baby and babies don't keep
