Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Representin' the Crunchy Mommas!

There is something that I have been realizing on a more regular basis, and it always makes me laugh when I do...

I'm a crunchy mommy! 

Well, kind of.  I'm getting there. :)  Crunchy moms are your neo-hippy moms.  They breastfeed their babies, make their baby's food (usually from all organic fruits & veggies), cloth diaper, baby wear (which I LOVE to do with my Sakura sling)... And, I drive a Prius!  Now, I do not practice co-sleeping, but to be completely honest....that is only because Michael would not allow it.  Trust me, if I could snuggle my baby every night, I totally would.  In fact, I take advantage of every opportunity to, including co-napping on the weekends and bringing him to bed with us any time he wakes up fussy during the night (which, sadly, is very rare).

I also plan to go as far as possible drug-free for our next birth.  Now that I know what to expect, I think I might be able to handle it better (or at least prepare better).  Granted, I think that I did pretty well considering I was at 7cm when I did get the epidural!  Had my water broken somewhere else, I would have probably had no choice but to deliver drug-free.

And, lastly, I am converting our home to a chemical-free lifestyle.  I have been very excited about this, and I feel amazing every time I clean with these products because I know I am doing something good for our home.  They smell wonderful, and I know that my baby is safe from harm.  I am using the EcoSense line from Melaleuca, and would love to tell you about it if you are interested in ridding toxins and chemicals from your home.

Of course, I am not a completely crunchy mommy. I do not question established medical authority, and I keep Ethan up-to-date on his vaccines. I also had my son circumcised. No offense to anyone who chooses not to, but we decided that "like father, like son" would be easier for teaching bodily cleanliness.  I also have no interest in home schooling.  Although, I do plan to be a major support system to him at home with homework, recreational reading, etc.

I never pegged myself for one of the "hippy types", but I am in love with doing things that are better for my baby.  I know that I will not always be able to protect him and make decisions for him, so it is important to me to do those things right now.

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