Thursday, September 26, 2013

Rain, rain stay away!

Seriously.  You're pissing me off.

Tuesday, they started to dig the footings for our slab since Monday was still too wet to do shit.  Then, yesterday, they laid the moisture barrier and starting with the metal wires.  I think that might continue through today.  If the rain stays away for the next several days, we should be able to pour the slab TOMORROW!!  Yippee!!!  Then it can sit over the weekend with HOPEFULLY no rain as well!  So far, is telling me that we are clear.  However, is also an overly anxious bitch, so we'll see.  I think as long as we get everything done before it rains, and then cover it, we'll be alright - especially if the rain will hold off until Sunday.

Oh, and, yesterday morning I almost poured coffee creamer into my Diet Dr. Pepper.  I might be losing it.

Yes, please, judge my caffeine intake.  I have significantly cut back since I learned I was pregnant.  I allow myself one or two servings of a caffeinated beverage per day, at most.  Honestly, it's almost laughable the difference in this pregnancy and Ethan.  I wouldn't even smell fresh deli meat with Ethan.  With this kid, I have a turkey sandwich about two or three times a week.  This pregnancy has been different in so many ways.  The fact that I was so nauseous during the first trimester was fairly different.  With Ethan, I was super tired and then I caught the flu, so that's not quite the same.  My hair, skin and nails look like shit.  I do not feel glowing and gorgeous like I did with Ethan.  I will be semi-shocked if this baby doesn't turn out to be a girl.  And, when it does turn out to be a girl, I'll be sure to remind her of the hell she put me through before she even graced the world with her presence. ;)

But, seriously...  I am super excited for this new kid.  I thought I would wonder how I could love this one the same or as much as I love Ethan, but that feeling has not crossed me yet.  Ethan loves to hug and kiss my belly and say "baby!".  He loves to see pictures of other babies and give his little cousin, Aly, kisses.  I think he's going to be a great big brother.  That, more than my reactions to this upgrade to our family, has been on my mind.  I just want Ethan to understand that we love him just as much, if not more, than we ever have with this new addition.  This baby isn't taking away from the love we have for him - it's making our family more complete.

Shifting from sappy to weird...  I had a vivid dream last night.  I was playing softball with some friends (one from high school that I haven't seen since my wedding) in a field that was set up behind my aunt's house.  All of a sudden, we had multiple tornadoes hitting.  I watched one pick up an SUV and slam it into the ground in a burst of flames and debris.  I remember going inside my parents' house and Michael telling me that Ethan was sleeping just before he woke up screaming.  I remember his scream being more like a newborn baby than a toddler.  After that, I woke up.  Dreaming about tornadoes (supposedly) means that you are feeling overwhelmed and out of control, this also includes general stress and huge changes in your life.  I'd say that's pretty accurate.  Between working two jobs with very few days off, building a house, living with my parents, renting our first home together out, being pregnant, starting a night class every Tuesday to pass my PHR certification, Ethan starting school, etc. etc. etc.... Yeah, I'm starting to feel it.  The problem is there is only one of those that I could possibly let go of right now.  I don't really want to quit my second job, though.  It's rough to get motivated to drive out there for each shift, but I do have fun while I'm there.  But, then I come home and see what I've been missing out on my only possible two days off and it makes me really sad...  I want to be that person that can handle it all, but it is starting to shift away from that.  It's not about "doing it all", but more about just drinking in this short amount of time I have with my babies still being babies.  I'm not sure what my next move is or when it will be.  I just pray that I make the right decisions before I hit a breaking point.

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