Monday, February 20, 2012

Lenten Season

I've been doing a lot of thinking about what I will give up for Lent this year.  The last few years haven't been very successful, but I want to change that now that Ethan is here.  We've been going to church as a family, praying together with Ethan every night... This year, I would like to add something to our lives for Lent, in addition to giving something up.

Part of what has placed this on my heart is baby Easton and little Tripp.  I will never understand the suffering of children.  It is so easy to become settled into a routine and take the little things for granted.  I never want to feel like I ever took my child for granted.  He is a GIFT from God, and I am so grateful and blessed for every moment I have with him.  I want to incorporate something into our lives that helps us to always remember this.

I have until tomorrow night to figure this out.  I pray God will place it on my heart.

Materialistic - I am giving up soft drinks and candy.  I have developed such a bad Diet Dr. Pepper habit and sweet tooth.  I need to give it a rest for a little while. :)
Emotionally - I am going to give up my anger.  When I feel myself getting angry, I am going to take a deep breath and pray.  I get flustered so easily, especially when it comes to other people dealing with Ethan.  So many times I feel like no one can or will ever "get it right" when it comes to whatever his need is at that moment.  I need to be more patient.

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