Thursday, May 19, 2011

I feel loved.

And very blessed.
I recently discovered more about a situation with someone I know.  You would never think, just by looking at her, what kind of hard life she has lived.  It made me sit back and think about the life I have lived.  Honestly, I've had a charmed life compared to most.  I think everyone can agree that no one is perfect, and neither is their life.  However, I have come to appreciate the good and bad even more than ever in just the past day or two.  I have an amazing family, wonderful friends, and a husband that adores me.  I cannot imagine going through this time in my life without one of those elements.  I have more love and support than most, and I treasure that.  I feel so fortunate to be able to bring a new life into such a warm and loving place.

These are the things that I try to remember when life gets stressful.

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