Monday, May 30, 2011

Some gave all.

Happy Memorial Day.  I hope everyone takes a moment from their day to say a "thank you" prayer to those who have fallen to keep our country free.

For the first time, last night, I was truly tired of being pregnant.  Actually, just tired of trying to shave my legs and lady parts with a belly in the way.  I don't even feel like my belly is that big!  It was such a pain, and I was totally out of breath by the time I made it out of the tub and onto the bed to cool down.  I guess I'm going to have to enlist Michael's help from now on. lol

We are 65 days from our due date now.  That's a wild thought.  In two months, we will be parents.  Isn't that scary?  I've decided that I have no idea what I *feel* like we're having anymore.  In the long run, I know it doesn't really matter.  This child will be the light of our lives, whether it be a boy or girl. :)

I updated the baby website earlier today.  I added the shower section and a place to RSVP, just in case.  I need to add some pictures, but I may wait until after the shower.  I haven't been keeping up like I wanted with the belly bump pictures.  Definitely going to make an extra effort starting this week.

I guess that's all for now.  Michael is off for the holiday, and has been working around the inside and outside of the house.  I know he started on the landscape and planted our Asian pear tree.  I can't wait to go home and see it. :)

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