Thursday, May 12, 2011

Welcome to the 3rd Trimester!

Holy crap.  We're in the final stretch!  Only 12 weeks to go!  I've had it pretty easy-peasy so far, and now I'm sure I'll be paying dearly for it.  Goodbye "comfortably happy" pregnant, hello "spitting cherry pits moon bat crazy" pregnant!

So, I had some blood work done last week to double check my blood type.  I thought that I had  O+, but turns out I have O- .  If Michael was a positive blood, then I would need a rhogam shot to make sure that my body does not treat this pregnancy or subsequent ones as a foreign body.  However, since we are both negative blood types, all is well.  No shot! :)  However, it did show that I am still on the anemic side.  I've been taking an iron supplement with my prenatal, but looks like I still need more. :-/  Guess that would explain part of the reason that I feel like I could sleep through the rest of this pregnancy with no problems!

I had a little "trouble" (nothing major, but worth calling about) yesterday, so they told me to come on in to be checked.  I ended up getting an ultrasound, too.  Long story short, everything is just fine and the baby is doing well.  S/he weighs in at 2lbs 11oz, which sounded high to me (compared to the charts on my pregnancy apps), but Perch said that is at the 54th percentile range - which is good.  I'm really starting to wonder if this baby will hold out until August 3rd!

I have updated the website with a few more pictures.  I can't wait to update the pictures of the nursery after the shower.  Very excite! :)  I'll leave you with this 3d shot of Baby Hathcox from yesterday:

28 weeks

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