Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day!

Happy Valentine's Day indeed!  Today is an exceptional day.  Michael and I have a very low-key tradition when it comes to this holiday, but this year is a little different.  We ordered a fetal heart rate doppler last week, and it arrives today.  Now we will be able to hear the baby's heartbeat whenever we want, AND share with family and friends!  We are so excited!  On top of that, we ordered Moulin Rouge from Netflix (Michael has never seen it), and will have Italian take out for dinner.  I absolutely hate crowded restaurants and venues, and I always look forward to our little, quiet celebration together. :)

Now, nothing in the above may sound "exceptional", but I am not done!  Before our night starts, I will be saying "buh-bye" to my sweet GiGi.  She has been very faithful to me, and I will always cherish our fond memories.  GiGi is my 2004 Mazda3, btw!  She was the first car that I owned all by myself - picked out and paid for.  That really meant something to me.  I had just been promoted at work, and she helped represent a new period in my life.  So, she has been very special.  Shortly after I bought her, we took my birthday trip to Destin.  It felt AMAZING to drive MY car, with her sporty exterior and sweet sunroof.  Ahh...  She was great!  But, now our time has come to an end.  We have reached a new period in life, and GiGi is ready to be retired.

Meet the new Baby Buggy!

On Wednesday, my 2010 Prius III will arrive and usher in the dawn of "Babies & Family" in the Hathcox household!  This sweet girl averages 50MPG and hosts a voice-activated touch-screen navigation system with backup camera.  The funny thing is that she will also take an out-of-town maiden voyage very soon!  We are going to visit my older brother in Austin this weekend and will test out her skills on the open road.  We are very excited!
So, tonight, I will turn GiGi in and drive a temp Prius for a day and a half before I get to meet my new sweetheart.

Ahh.. Love.  *sigh*

ETA: Turns out the Baby Buggy will be making her entrance a day early!  When we signed the papers last night, they informed us that she had hit the ground in Jackson already and would be delivered on Tuesday instead!  So, GiGi is around for an extra 24 hours, but it's bittersweet!

2nd ETA: Sike!  No car today. :(  It's in Jackson with plastic covers still on, waiting in line for inspection.  They said it could be tomorrow night or Thursday morning.  I'm okay with waiting.  I want everything to be working and fabulous, so no rush!  It just kind of sucks since I had worked myself up for this afternoon.  *sigh*

3rd ETA: I'm going to burn down Supreme Toyota unless they pull a gold rabbit out of their asses TODAY.  I received a call this morning that my car had been sold to a dealer in Arkansas, and that dealer had already sold it to someone else.  I was told to pick another color.  Michael told them to shove it up their asses and find me another blue one with everything I wanted.  We shall see...

4th ETA: Went searching online and found my car at a dealership in Mississippi (matching VIN # to my paperwork).  Called them only to find out it was their big boo-boo with my car, and that it was indeed sold to a dealer in Arkansas by mistake.  Now they're trying to sell me an upgraded version of my car.  If the price is right, we'll go there!

5th ETA: Looks like my butt is going to Mississippi tomorrow!  I am not excited about it whatsoever.  The dealership out there is convinced that they can match or beat the price I was given on the III and still upgrade me to the IV in blue with everything I had before.  The only problem is that they need to have their guys evaluate my trade.  UGH!  My concern with the maintenance was eased though.  I can take it to the Toyota dealership of my choice and still receive my free 2-year package.  I swear on everything holy that I will burn the building down if I do not ride away from that lot happy and in my beautiful blue 2010 Prius IV.


  1. so many can't waits!

    thats funny about moulin rouge, josh watched it for the first time friday night with me.

  2. Your officially in mommy mode with the new car! :). It sounds like it's gonna be off the chiz-ain!

    Btw, did I mention how terribly JEALOUS I am that you and Michael are going to Austin? You will love it there. The city is beautiful. I know Billy will be thrilled to show yall around. But, as long as your not driving in Texas you'll have fun! Haha.

  3. I hope everything is going well with the car situation? I can't believe they SOLD IT to someone else!!! Who does that? Almost makes you want to say "screw you guys" and find someone else... BUT, I know it will all be worth it in the end. Can't wait to see it! Miss y'all! AND i think it's time for new baby bump pics :)
