I cannot believe we are 100 days away from our due date! SO exciting & so scary! haha! I feel like we still have plenty of time and are running out of time at the same time! :)
Baby Grand is this weekend! I'm excited to attend. I feel like there is so much that we haven't learned or read about, and this event will offer us a lot of knowledge. And, freebies! --> Always a good thing. ;)
I have decided to revamp my diet. And, by "diet", I mean just what I eat. I was still cautious in the beginning, then I was not too concerned. Now, I feel like I am always hungry and just eating whatever I find. Not good. I have plenty of boiled eggs available from Easter this past weekend, plus salad and protein leftovers. Dinner will be where I can make or break it. I am so tired in the mornings and evenings now. I'm all about easy. Spaghetti is my back-up plan, and to be honest, it was what I planned for the menu tonight. I am going to sit down and figure out a few healthy dinner recipes for this week when I get home. I know the baby is growing and fattening up right now, but I don't want to fatten up with it anymore than I have to! Plus, I don't want to lose my healthy habits completely. I definitely let myself indulge more now that I have in the past few years, but that is not the "norm" for me, and I definitely don't want it to become that! Can someone just hire a healthy chef for me?! lol
I do not think I have mentioned this before, but Michael picked up a side job at Home Depot a few weeks ago. The whole point was to get an employee discount and make some cash to put up our fence, but we discovered that they no longer offer employee discounts. Instead, they offer employees an option to buy company stock. Ugh. Michael decided to keep it anyway. We have been steadily saving for the baby's arrival, but he does not want to dip into that for the fence. And, he's pretty determined to get the fence up before our due date, or very soon after. I appreciate him so much. He has been 100% focused on the baby and making sure everything is taken care of in a timely manner. I cannot say enough how amazing of a father he is going to be. :)
I know I keep bringing it up, but if I don't, I might break! lol I am fighting the urges to buy the new crib bedding set! I went to look at it this morning, and the link didn't work. So, I emailed the company to make sure it was still available (the one I really want is considered a variation - Matthew-2). I'm awful. I know. :-P
Monday, April 25, 2011
Thursday, April 21, 2011
It needs to be shared.
** Disclaimer: I am in no way complaining about being pregnant. I truly feel this is one of the most fulfilling and amazing times in my life. I have never felt so beautiful and comfortable with myself and my body. However, everyone has a bad day here and there. I feel like it is important to share this so that people understand that.
Hormones suck. Don't get me wrong, some are great. I love the ones that give you nice skin, hair & nails. But then there are the others. The others can rush through and totally screw your day. I had a run-in with the "others" this morning.
I did not sleep well last night. I kept having awful dreams about fighting with my dad. The first one I remember was in Babies R Us, and he kept sending me to grab items while he kept the buggy and chit-chatted with a friend. A couple of the things he sent me for were cases of Diet Sprite. Then I woke up, and fell back to sleep fairly quickly. In the next dream I remember, I woke up in my parents bed. Dad was in the living room, and mom had left for work. Michael showed up and told me that his work meeting was moved to Sunday (he had a meeting downtown this morning). It all seemed very strange, but at this point I thought I was awake. Then, Dad was yelling at me in front of two older guests. I think it was my Uncle Ken & Aunt Patsy, but then I want to say it may have been my two great aunts that passed away. Then I woke up again for good. My body felt rested, but my mind was still exhausted. My head ached horribly.
I rolled out of bed and showered. While putting on my make-up and drying my hair, I still felt completely out of it. I was starting to wonder if I was still dreaming. Then, while I was getting dressed, I started to break down crying. I was so upset with my body and how everything felt out of control. I feel like I'm carrying two boulders on my chest, and my weight is completely out of my hands. I know that I am carrying a baby inside of me, but nothing I told myself felt justified enough to make the feelings go away. The last thing I wanted to do was go to work feeling like that. But, I pulled myself together and headed out.
On the way to work, every song that popped up on my iPhone was about breaking up or some other sad event. I skipped past them all and hit "Get Your Roll On" and "Ain't Nothing but a G Thang", and those helped a little. :) Once I got to work, I tried to avoid talking to anyone. I felt like I might come across wrong, and I didn't want anyone to know I was upset over anything. I was at my desk for about an hour or so when Michael walked in. He decided to stop by for a quick, surprise "hey, I love you" after his meeting. I immediately burst into tears. I'm sure everyone who passed my door thought we were fighting. He was shocked at how upset I was. He had left the house before I woke up, so he had no idea. That was all I needed at that moment - a hug & kiss and to hear "I love you".
I am still feeling a little blue, but I know everything will be ok. As wonderful as this pregnancy has been, and as amazing as I have been feeling, I was bound to have a bad day pop up. I find myself getting so aggravated to read and/or hear about women who just hate being pregnant and complain about every little part. Going through a day like this definitely reminds me that every pregnancy is different, and some women feel the way I did this morning through their entire nine months. I cannot imagine that, and hope that none of my pregnancies are like that.
Hormones suck. Don't get me wrong, some are great. I love the ones that give you nice skin, hair & nails. But then there are the others. The others can rush through and totally screw your day. I had a run-in with the "others" this morning.
I did not sleep well last night. I kept having awful dreams about fighting with my dad. The first one I remember was in Babies R Us, and he kept sending me to grab items while he kept the buggy and chit-chatted with a friend. A couple of the things he sent me for were cases of Diet Sprite. Then I woke up, and fell back to sleep fairly quickly. In the next dream I remember, I woke up in my parents bed. Dad was in the living room, and mom had left for work. Michael showed up and told me that his work meeting was moved to Sunday (he had a meeting downtown this morning). It all seemed very strange, but at this point I thought I was awake. Then, Dad was yelling at me in front of two older guests. I think it was my Uncle Ken & Aunt Patsy, but then I want to say it may have been my two great aunts that passed away. Then I woke up again for good. My body felt rested, but my mind was still exhausted. My head ached horribly.
I rolled out of bed and showered. While putting on my make-up and drying my hair, I still felt completely out of it. I was starting to wonder if I was still dreaming. Then, while I was getting dressed, I started to break down crying. I was so upset with my body and how everything felt out of control. I feel like I'm carrying two boulders on my chest, and my weight is completely out of my hands. I know that I am carrying a baby inside of me, but nothing I told myself felt justified enough to make the feelings go away. The last thing I wanted to do was go to work feeling like that. But, I pulled myself together and headed out.
On the way to work, every song that popped up on my iPhone was about breaking up or some other sad event. I skipped past them all and hit "Get Your Roll On" and "Ain't Nothing but a G Thang", and those helped a little. :) Once I got to work, I tried to avoid talking to anyone. I felt like I might come across wrong, and I didn't want anyone to know I was upset over anything. I was at my desk for about an hour or so when Michael walked in. He decided to stop by for a quick, surprise "hey, I love you" after his meeting. I immediately burst into tears. I'm sure everyone who passed my door thought we were fighting. He was shocked at how upset I was. He had left the house before I woke up, so he had no idea. That was all I needed at that moment - a hug & kiss and to hear "I love you".
I am still feeling a little blue, but I know everything will be ok. As wonderful as this pregnancy has been, and as amazing as I have been feeling, I was bound to have a bad day pop up. I find myself getting so aggravated to read and/or hear about women who just hate being pregnant and complain about every little part. Going through a day like this definitely reminds me that every pregnancy is different, and some women feel the way I did this morning through their entire nine months. I cannot imagine that, and hope that none of my pregnancies are like that.
Monday, April 18, 2011
Pillow Talk
I have never been so attached to my bed in my life. Ok, maybe when I was going through that phase in high school, but other than that, never. It doesn't help that Koopa curls up in my spot and looks just absolutely adorable and so very snuggle-able. :) I've been sleeping deeper and more soundly. It is uh-mazing. It makes me want to start my maternity leave even earlier, just so I can take advantage of the last few quiet mornings I have left to just sleep, sleep and sleep some more! lol
Our annual HOA meeting is tomorrow night. Michael is dead-set on attending - mainly to tell them how much they suck. In the last newsletter they sent out, they said that only 5 residents were in attendance last year. And, apparently they have been sending out violation notices again. We've seen more fences pop up in the last few weeks than in the entire time we've been living there (almost 5 years). Funny thing is, all of those houses that have recently added a fence have boats. It's considered a resident violation for your boat to be "in the front yard". One of these neighbors is on a corner lot, and they always had their boat on the side, but not past the front of their house. Guess they got tired of getting notices. I think it's a total crock. Our neighborhood does not look trashy, and no one there (minus about 5 people) even want an HOA - at least not in its current state. Plus, if I read our restrictions correctly, we have to get their approval before we put up our fence. WTF. I don't need a committee to approve for me to put a fence around the yard I pay for. That is ridiculous.
Anyway, enough ranting about our worthless HOA.
Michael and I started watching Game of Thrones on HBO last night. Wow. And, I thought Nip/Tuck was twisted! Michael read the books a while back, and they are his favorite series ever. After that first episode, I'm thinking that will be my maternity leave book. :) I'm hooked!
Oh! This past weekend, Michael was able to see the baby move from the outside! Talk about crazy looking! lol VERY alien-esque. Our little bisquit is very active at night, so it's been fun to lay on the couch or soak in the tub and watch it bounce around. I can't wait until it's even more obvious! lol
I also added the decals I ordered to the nursery:
I'm still fighting the urge to order the new crib set! lol
Our annual HOA meeting is tomorrow night. Michael is dead-set on attending - mainly to tell them how much they suck. In the last newsletter they sent out, they said that only 5 residents were in attendance last year. And, apparently they have been sending out violation notices again. We've seen more fences pop up in the last few weeks than in the entire time we've been living there (almost 5 years). Funny thing is, all of those houses that have recently added a fence have boats. It's considered a resident violation for your boat to be "in the front yard". One of these neighbors is on a corner lot, and they always had their boat on the side, but not past the front of their house. Guess they got tired of getting notices. I think it's a total crock. Our neighborhood does not look trashy, and no one there (minus about 5 people) even want an HOA - at least not in its current state. Plus, if I read our restrictions correctly, we have to get their approval before we put up our fence. WTF. I don't need a committee to approve for me to put a fence around the yard I pay for. That is ridiculous.
Anyway, enough ranting about our worthless HOA.
Michael and I started watching Game of Thrones on HBO last night. Wow. And, I thought Nip/Tuck was twisted! Michael read the books a while back, and they are his favorite series ever. After that first episode, I'm thinking that will be my maternity leave book. :) I'm hooked!
Oh! This past weekend, Michael was able to see the baby move from the outside! Talk about crazy looking! lol VERY alien-esque. Our little bisquit is very active at night, so it's been fun to lay on the couch or soak in the tub and watch it bounce around. I can't wait until it's even more obvious! lol
I also added the decals I ordered to the nursery:
I'm still fighting the urge to order the new crib set! lol
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Well, I passed my glucose test! The tech couldn't get my blood flowing well at first. And that medicine tasted like thick, extra strength Benadryl. Gross. It literally made me sick to my stomach. I was worried I was going to hurl for a few minutes afterwards. Other than that, the appointment went well and baby is still growing right on schedule.
Moving right along...
The crib bedding sold! Yay! I found a different set that I LOVE now:
I am not going to run out and buy it though. I'm afraid I'll change my mind again! lol I think I'm pretty set on this one, but I'll wait until after my showers to buy ANYTHING else. I do really want to go ahead and get it though! lol I love that I could just get a pink fitted crib sheet & pillow and it would look adorably girly, or leave as is for a boy.
Baby Grand is in a couple of weeks, and then we have three classes to attend - Baby & You Orientation Tour, Special Delivery & After Baby Comes. Then, the shower is on June 11th and maternity pictures are the 18th. Whew! Lots of things going on for our little angel! Plus, we have plenty of friends with their own little bundles of joy to celebrate with! Several showers for friends coming up, too. Love it! Now through June will be very busy, but then July will be our break to relax and do any last minute preparations for the little booger. *sigh* :)
Bought more diapers today! Michael will be happy! lol I forgot to a couple of weeks ago, and he was asking me why our diapers hadn't come in yet! I think now that my 30% cash back program is over, I might start buying gift cards for diapers. Not sure.
Yesterday, I was cleaning out old pictures, and I came across some from my fitness progress documentation. It was partly depressing, but also inspiring. I worked so hard to get healthy, slim down and feel damn good about myself. So far, at 24 weeks, I have gained about 9 lbs. I know that doesn't sound like much, but I still have 16 weeks to go. And, you're supposed to gain faster the closer you get to the end. I'm not obsessive over it, but I am very aware. I don't want to gain too fast, and I want to make sure that I can lose it afterwards. I want to look like this again (when nothing really pinched or "hung out"), but better:
I will be my own inspiration!! ;)
Moving right along...
The crib bedding sold! Yay! I found a different set that I LOVE now:
![]() |
Close up |
I am not going to run out and buy it though. I'm afraid I'll change my mind again! lol I think I'm pretty set on this one, but I'll wait until after my showers to buy ANYTHING else. I do really want to go ahead and get it though! lol I love that I could just get a pink fitted crib sheet & pillow and it would look adorably girly, or leave as is for a boy.
Baby Grand is in a couple of weeks, and then we have three classes to attend - Baby & You Orientation Tour, Special Delivery & After Baby Comes. Then, the shower is on June 11th and maternity pictures are the 18th. Whew! Lots of things going on for our little angel! Plus, we have plenty of friends with their own little bundles of joy to celebrate with! Several showers for friends coming up, too. Love it! Now through June will be very busy, but then July will be our break to relax and do any last minute preparations for the little booger. *sigh* :)
Bought more diapers today! Michael will be happy! lol I forgot to a couple of weeks ago, and he was asking me why our diapers hadn't come in yet! I think now that my 30% cash back program is over, I might start buying gift cards for diapers. Not sure.
Yesterday, I was cleaning out old pictures, and I came across some from my fitness progress documentation. It was partly depressing, but also inspiring. I worked so hard to get healthy, slim down and feel damn good about myself. So far, at 24 weeks, I have gained about 9 lbs. I know that doesn't sound like much, but I still have 16 weeks to go. And, you're supposed to gain faster the closer you get to the end. I'm not obsessive over it, but I am very aware. I don't want to gain too fast, and I want to make sure that I can lose it afterwards. I want to look like this again (when nothing really pinched or "hung out"), but better:
I will be my own inspiration!! ;)
Monday, April 11, 2011
So sleepy...
Lately, I feel like I could literally sleep the day away. I am so grateful for a 3-day weekend next week!
Things are pretty quiet on the baby front. I went to the Strawberry Festival with Melody and Doris this past weekend, and realized I need to stay far, far away from baby shops more than ever now! They had a shop called The Flourless Bakery with some absolutely precious Saints diaper cakes & diaper wreaths (and other themes!). They even had diaper cupcakes! SOOO CUTE! I was able to stop myself though! :) That is where not knowing the gender of our baby has been quite helpful - keeping my spending at bay! The hard part about this was that they had gender neutral cakes and wreaths! However, I also had two friends there to remind me that I have showers and that there will be plenty of time to shop after those.
Speaking of diapers, my mom shared a little tidbit of info with me the other day. She said that cloth diapers make the best burp cloths! She said they are usually made of extremely soft material - softer than some "burp cloths". Who knew! The thought of washing poopy diapers kind of turns my stomach, but I can jump on board using them as burp clothes! lol
I have my next prenatal appointment this week. This time I get to go through the glucose test. Yay. Fasting, drinking a nasty sugar concoction and getting my blood drawn were exactly what I wanted to add to my to-do list! (note the sarcasm) Recently, I made the mistake of watching a video of an epidural needle being inserted. While I am still likely to request one, I am not sure how soon I will be! This made me realize that I definitely need to ask Perch about developing a birth plan. I had printed one out from TheBump website last week, but some of the options/questions on there have me a little taken aback. Labor augmentation? Membrane stripping?? I have yet to be introduced to these topics in the baby books! While I have become pretty comfortable with the pregnancy, the thought of labor scares the sh!t out of me. I know women go through it every day, but for someone who hasn't yet, it's a scary place.
For now, I'm just hoping for a smooth sailing week. :)
Things are pretty quiet on the baby front. I went to the Strawberry Festival with Melody and Doris this past weekend, and realized I need to stay far, far away from baby shops more than ever now! They had a shop called The Flourless Bakery with some absolutely precious Saints diaper cakes & diaper wreaths (and other themes!). They even had diaper cupcakes! SOOO CUTE! I was able to stop myself though! :) That is where not knowing the gender of our baby has been quite helpful - keeping my spending at bay! The hard part about this was that they had gender neutral cakes and wreaths! However, I also had two friends there to remind me that I have showers and that there will be plenty of time to shop after those.
Speaking of diapers, my mom shared a little tidbit of info with me the other day. She said that cloth diapers make the best burp cloths! She said they are usually made of extremely soft material - softer than some "burp cloths". Who knew! The thought of washing poopy diapers kind of turns my stomach, but I can jump on board using them as burp clothes! lol
I have my next prenatal appointment this week. This time I get to go through the glucose test. Yay. Fasting, drinking a nasty sugar concoction and getting my blood drawn were exactly what I wanted to add to my to-do list! (note the sarcasm) Recently, I made the mistake of watching a video of an epidural needle being inserted. While I am still likely to request one, I am not sure how soon I will be! This made me realize that I definitely need to ask Perch about developing a birth plan. I had printed one out from TheBump website last week, but some of the options/questions on there have me a little taken aback. Labor augmentation? Membrane stripping?? I have yet to be introduced to these topics in the baby books! While I have become pretty comfortable with the pregnancy, the thought of labor scares the sh!t out of me. I know women go through it every day, but for someone who hasn't yet, it's a scary place.
For now, I'm just hoping for a smooth sailing week. :)
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Let's play Pick the Perfect Pediatrician!
Michael and I had our Pediatrician Meet & Greet Luncheon today. It was very nice and informal. They have eight pediatricians on staff in the practice, and three of them were at the luncheon to talk about the practice. Dr. Hutchinson is the one that had been recommended to us, so I was happy to get to meet him. The facility was very nice and clean, and I really like that it's next door to our Lake After Hours Kids location. The only bad thing is that it's on Perkins, and not close to the house. I'm going to be making several trips there while I'm on maternity leave, so that will blow a bit. But, I'm willing to drive a little for a better doctor. Guess I'll just have to make in-town plans for those days! :) They gave us goodie bags with some freebies and lots of info. Thankfully, one of the doctors covered the basics of what info was included because it would have been total information overload. They even gave us the first appointment packets to pre-fill before the baby's first appointment. LOTS of paperwork. I get it though; it's a brand new person! I just really liked the vibe I got there, and I appreciate their connection with the Lake. If our baby ends up in the ER, our pediatrician will be able to monitor them remotely at their clinic to keep up with what's going on. I'm 99.9% sure that we will go with Dr. Hutchinson. His name came to us with a lot of positive feedback. Plus, Perch (my OB) loves him.
I had my maternity meeting at work yesterday. It went well, and I can now breathe a big sigh of relief. I think that everything will be fine. We are meeting again next month to tweak the plan and try to start setting it into motion. I am hoping that while I am busy with evaluations that some of the delegations can be tested out. Fingers crossed that everything continues to run smoothly! :)
I had my maternity meeting at work yesterday. It went well, and I can now breathe a big sigh of relief. I think that everything will be fine. We are meeting again next month to tweak the plan and try to start setting it into motion. I am hoping that while I am busy with evaluations that some of the delegations can be tested out. Fingers crossed that everything continues to run smoothly! :)
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