Monday, April 18, 2011

Pillow Talk

I have never been so attached to my bed in my life.  Ok, maybe when I was going through that phase in high school, but other than that, never.  It doesn't help that Koopa curls up in my spot and looks just absolutely adorable and so very snuggle-able. :)  I've been sleeping deeper and more soundly.  It is uh-mazing.  It makes me want to start my maternity leave even earlier, just so I can take advantage of the last few quiet mornings I have left to just sleep, sleep and sleep some more! lol

Our annual HOA meeting is tomorrow night.  Michael is dead-set on attending - mainly to tell them how much they suck.  In the last newsletter they sent out, they said that only 5 residents were in attendance last year.  And, apparently they have been sending out violation notices again.  We've seen more fences pop up in the last few weeks than in the entire time we've been living there (almost 5 years).  Funny thing is, all of those houses that have recently added a fence have boats.  It's considered a resident violation for your boat to be "in the front yard".  One of these neighbors is on a corner lot, and they always had their boat on the side, but not past the front of their house.  Guess they got tired of getting notices.  I think it's a total crock.  Our neighborhood does not look trashy, and no one there (minus about 5 people) even want an HOA - at least not in its current state.  Plus, if I read our restrictions correctly, we have to get their approval before we put up our fence.  WTF.  I don't need a committee to approve for me to put a fence around the yard I pay for.  That is ridiculous.

Anyway, enough ranting about our worthless HOA.

Michael and I started watching Game of Thrones on HBO last night.  Wow.  And, I thought Nip/Tuck was twisted!  Michael read the books a while back, and they are his favorite series ever.  After that first episode, I'm thinking that will be my maternity leave book. :)  I'm hooked!

Oh!  This past weekend, Michael was able to see the baby move from the outside!  Talk about crazy looking! lol  VERY alien-esque.  Our little bisquit is very active at night, so it's been fun to lay on the couch or soak in the tub and watch it bounce around.  I can't wait until it's even more obvious! lol
I also added the decals I ordered to the nursery:

I'm still fighting the urge to order the new crib set! lol

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