Monday, April 25, 2011

Only 100 Days Left!

I cannot believe we are 100 days away from our due date!  SO exciting & so scary! haha!  I feel like we still have plenty of time and are running out of time at the same time! :)

Baby Grand is this weekend!  I'm excited to attend.  I feel like there is so much that we haven't learned or read about, and this event will offer us a lot of knowledge.  And, freebies!  --> Always a good thing. ;)

I have decided to revamp my diet.  And, by "diet", I mean just what I eat.  I was still cautious in the beginning, then I was not too concerned.  Now, I feel like I am always hungry and just eating whatever I find.  Not good.  I have plenty of boiled eggs available from Easter this past weekend, plus salad and protein leftovers.  Dinner will be where I can make or break it.  I am so tired in the mornings and evenings now.  I'm all about easy.  Spaghetti is my back-up plan, and to be honest, it was what I planned for the menu tonight.  I am going to sit down and figure out a few healthy dinner recipes for this week when I get home.  I know the baby is growing and fattening up right now, but I don't want to fatten up with it anymore than I have to!  Plus, I don't want to lose my healthy habits completely.  I definitely let myself indulge more now that I have in the past few years, but that is not the "norm" for me, and I definitely don't want it to become that!  Can someone just hire a healthy chef for me?!  lol

I do not think I have mentioned this before, but Michael picked up a side job at Home Depot a few weeks ago.  The whole point was to get an employee discount and make some cash to put up our fence, but we discovered that they no longer offer employee discounts.  Instead, they offer employees an option to buy company stock.  Ugh.  Michael decided to keep it anyway.  We have been steadily saving for the baby's arrival, but he does not want to dip into that for the fence.  And, he's pretty determined to get the fence up before our due date, or very soon after.  I appreciate him so much.  He has been 100% focused on the baby and making sure everything is taken care of in a timely manner.  I cannot say enough how amazing of a father he is going to be. :)

I know I keep bringing it up, but if I don't, I might break! lol  I am fighting the urges to buy the new crib bedding set!  I went to look at it this morning, and the link didn't work.  So, I emailed the company to make sure it was still available (the one I really want is considered a variation - Matthew-2).  I'm awful.  I know. :-P

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