Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Let's play Pick the Perfect Pediatrician!

Michael and I had our Pediatrician Meet & Greet Luncheon today.  It was very nice and informal.  They have eight pediatricians on staff in the practice, and three of them were at the luncheon to talk about the practice.  Dr. Hutchinson is the one that had been recommended to us, so I was happy to get to meet him.  The facility was very nice and clean, and I really like that it's next door to our Lake After Hours Kids location.  The only bad thing is that it's on Perkins, and not close to the house.  I'm going to be making several trips there while I'm on maternity leave, so that will blow a bit.  But, I'm willing to drive a little for a better doctor.  Guess I'll just have to make in-town plans for those days! :)  They gave  us goodie bags with some freebies and lots of info.  Thankfully, one of the doctors covered the basics of what info was included because it would have been total information overload.  They even gave us the first appointment packets to pre-fill before the baby's first appointment.  LOTS of paperwork.  I get it though; it's a brand new person!  I just really liked the vibe I got there, and I appreciate their connection with the Lake.  If our baby ends up in the ER, our pediatrician will be able to monitor them remotely at their clinic to keep up with what's going on.  I'm 99.9% sure that we will go with Dr. Hutchinson.  His name came to us with a lot of positive feedback.  Plus, Perch (my OB) loves him.

I had my maternity meeting at work yesterday.  It went well, and I can now breathe a big sigh of relief.  I think that everything will be fine.  We are meeting again next month to tweak the plan and try to start setting it into motion.  I am hoping that while I am busy with evaluations that some of the delegations can be tested out.  Fingers crossed that everything continues to run smoothly! :)

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