The white bonnet was made for me by my Granny on my dad's side. She passed away when I was one. The blanket she made to match the bonnet is drapped across the front of the crib (below). The owl was just because I felt like that was the only "animal" that matched for the room. And, the changing pad was from an Etsy shop. I am totally addicted to that website! I love that practically everything on it is handmade. Plus, I could not find a lime green changing pad cover anywhere else to buy or register for.
You can kind of see the white blinds that we swapped out ---->
I think it works better with the white mirror and shelf.
I have also decided that I do not like our crib bedding as much anymore (selling the 10-piece set on eBay). I found something else I like better, but even that's not exactly what I was hoping for in my vision. I am thinking about trying to find the material myself and either make it (with the help of my mom) or commission someone to make it for us. Basically, I want something brighter and that pulls the lime green in more.
I have also decided that I want to make a quilt! I have contacted a place in Denham to see if they offer a beginners class since I am completely clueless! I also need to print out some of the pictures I have saved for painting ideas. I want to do some canvases for the nursery. I feel like if I occupy my time "making" things for the nursery, I'll spend less time "buying" things instead! Haha!! Plus, it adds much more meaning to the room if I make it.
I know that the more we add to the room, the more I will love it. Right now I just feel like it's bare and a completely unmatched mess. lol
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