Friday, March 18, 2011

Milestone for Daddy!

Last night, for the first time, Michael felt the baby kick!  It was so cute!  We were listening to the heartbeat, and the little booger kept kicking the wand.  I figured with as active as it was, Michael should give it a shot.  Every time I have tried to see if he could feel any movement, he couldn't and was slightly disappointed.  I was really hopeful because of how crazy-active the baby was.  He put his hand on my stomach and waited a minute.  Then, all of a sudden, his eyes lit up!  He said, "Oh my God, I just felt it!"  Then he felt it again!  It was so sweet how excited he was. :)  Made our night!

Tomorrow morning, we are going to Target to register for the baby.  I have already started it with the big items online.  I wanted to research those and read reviews.  Plus, I did not want us to get there and become completely overwhelmed.  My hope is that this way, the experience can be fun and pleasant since we've already figured out most of the more complicated stuff.  We shall see! :)

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