Friday, March 4, 2011

Time flies when you're having fun!

So, I recently realized that I am almost to the halfway mark of this pregnancy!  Holy moly!

I picked up our nursery re-vamp supplies yesterday.  So, this weekend's plans include painting the nursery and scheduling a cleaning service to steam the carpet.  Once that is done we'll be able to set up the crib, changing table and initial decorations.  I am SO EXCITED! :-D  I will definitely post before and after pics.

Speaking of pics, I have scheduled my maternity pictures!  Part of me was thinking I had plenty of time, then the other part of me realized how far in advance photographers book up their time.  I searched around, received some great recommendations, and finally decided on a grade school friend., Amanda (Williams) Ratcliff of Amanda Blythe Photography (check her out here: or on Facebook).  I love how sweet and natural her pictures look, and I am so excited that she will also be doing our baby's entire first year!!  Oh yeah, I've already booked her for our baby.  That sounds crazy to me!  My baby has an "official" photographer and we haven't even met him or her yet! lol  I'm definitely excited about the maternity pictures, but honestly I am WAY more excited for her to capture our little angel! :)

That's all for now!  This rainy weather is making me sleepy! ;)

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