Thursday, June 30, 2011

Down for the count!

So, yesterday was 35/35 (35 weeks pregnant and 35 days left to D-Day)!  I also had my first weekly "check" at the doc's.  Turns out I am 70% effaced, but not dialating yet.  That could mean baby is coming sooner than we anticipated, or it could mean nothing at all.  Fun, right?!  And, if labor does start at any point from now on, they will not stop it.

I guess what freaked me out the most about it is that my mom's best friend's daughter-in-law was two weeks ahead of me, and after being given the same news, went into labor about 2-3 days later.  She had more going on than me (i.e. diabetes, older), but still.  It definitely sent me into a little bit of overdrive!  The bedding arrived yesterday, so I got that and all of the initial clothes washed.  I set up the bedding, and LOVE IT!  Thank God! lol!! (see below)
Please excuse the small black spot/stain on my floor. :)

The carseat will be installed & inspected on Friday after work, and we have already started packing.  I also went ahead and ordered the pack'n play and video monitor.  I had planned to wait a little longer, but the sale will be over on Saturday; plus I had received my completion coupon from Target.

Michael is so excited and I am still extremely nervous!  Work is not quite set up for me to leave, but I am taking no chances now.  Eval numbers will be turned in today, and the manager binders I started will be thisclose to finished by tomorrow afternoon.  The last thing I want to do is stress out now!  I need to relax as much as possible to keep this kid inside me for at least another week or 2! :)

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