Monday, June 20, 2011

Well, that's just swell!

And, I do mean SWELL!
I have definitely started to have a little bit of water retention going on.  I can still fit my rings on and off without trouble, so that's a good sign.  However, I woke up this morning feeling like I had a hangover without the fun party the night before.  That sucked.

According to our countdown to D-Day, we are 44 days away.  That means that at any point in time from now until the baby decides to make an appearance, we can go register at the hospital!  When I realized that this morning, I about peed myself.  Literally.  I already had the urge to go anyway. ;)  But, really.  That was kind of crazy to realize.  I mean, I know that we're close to the end, but the hospital is a scary place!

On to a happier note - we took maternity pictures this past weekend!  I am so excited to see how they came out!  I really wanted something kind of different in addition to the stereotypical, slightly romantic maternity shots.  And, I definitely knew I didn't want any bare belly ones.  Thankfully, I have developed zero stretch marks so far, but I'm still not a big fan of the naked belly pics.  I guess I just think that unless you are or have been pregnant, those can make people uncomfortable.  I don't know, maybe I'm weird!
Anyway... I wanted something quirky and fun - like us! ;)  I really liked the idea of having a graffiti wall that we could spray something about the baby on.  The usual spot for that downtown is kind of sketchy, so our wonderful photographer (Amanda of suggested checking out another spot.  We did, and to our pleasant surprise, there was a huge graffiti display of the word "Bunches" in blue with pink around it!!  Talk about awesome!  We had brought along some sidewalk chalk as another idea, so we added our own twist to the wall.  I used pink chalk and Michael used blue to write "We love you" on top of the "Bunches", and then we wrote out Ethan and Aubrey.  Seriously, I could not have asked for anything better.  After we got home, I wished that I would have snapped a pic of the wall, but oh well.  I'm sure we'll see the pics soon enough!  We also got some over by the old arsenal that were a little softer.  I changed into a maxi dress and we took some with baby books and booties.  And, of course, we got a couple of Michael kissing my belly. :)  I forgot to mention that Koopa came along for the ride!  We were able to get some "family" pictures as well, which made me very happy. :)  Koopa is just as much a part of our family as our baby!

Then, yesterday was Father's Day.  I had a nifty basket delivered to Michael last week with assorted nuts and Dad's root beer.  He loved it!  Then, Sunday morning I made him pancakes before we went to church.  Once we got back to the house, I told him that I had a dream that the baby left him a present in the crib.  (Silly, I know.)  I filmed him going to the nursery to find his gift.  "The baby" left him a note and pictures of Mommy. :)  I was FINALLY able to give him the boudoir album I did at the end of January!  I was 13 weeks pregnant at the time, but I felt incredibly sexy.  I told him that I would capture that sexiness again, promise! :)  He was quite the happy daddy-to-be.

I think that about wraps it up for now.  Hope everyone has a fantastic week!

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