Thursday, June 16, 2011

The importance of self

If you've spoken to me lately, you know that work has been a stressful environment for me.  I have been working like a mad woman trying to get everything prepared for my leave, and not neglect the immediate projects at hand.  By the time I would get home, all I wanted to do was lounge and go to bed.  I was letting myself go.  I hadn't had my hair taken care of or airbrush tanned since January, a mani/pedi since November, a massage since September or a facial since last summer.  (And, yes, I find it sad that I remember those things - but I only remember them because they were based on important dates/events).

Well, my amazing husband gave me a spa day for part of my birthday.  Originally, he had set an appointment for me to go on the day of my birthday.  However, I kind of ruined that with working and an unplanned trip to the doctor.  It ended up being for the best, because saving it for last week could not have been a better plan.  With the Bunco shower on Thursday and the *big* shower on Saturday, I was in desperate need of a make-over.  I had my hair cut and highlighted on Thursday before Bunco, so I was looking fresh for that night.  Then, on Friday I had an amazing 4 1/2 hours of relaxation and pampering.  By the time I arrived home, I felt like a brand new person.  I did not realize how weighted and negative I had been feeling until it was all lifted away.  I realized even more the importance of taking care of your *self*, even while trying to focus and sacrifice for a new life.  This does not mean I'm going to be having weekly spa days, but I definitely won't have the same level of guilt for the times that I do splurge a little.  Michael could not believe the difference it made in my demeanor.  I was literally coming home every day looking and feeling like someone beat me up.  It was not pretty. lol

Anyway, I just wanted to touch base on that, because I honestly did not realize how badly I had let myself feel and go for so long.

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