Thursday, January 19, 2012

A Day in the Life... (Work Edition)

One of the moms on my August baby board challenged us to do a blog entry chronicling our day.  I decided to do one for a typical work day and one for a day off with Ethan. 

Background - I am the HR Coordinator for an urgent care company.  I spend most of my day answering questions and problem solving.  This could get interesting!

6am - My alarm goes off.  I check the video monitor, and monkey is still sleeping soundly.  Looks like Momma is hitting the snooze button!

6:30am - Michael is up.  He snuggles up next to me and asks if I need some help waking up.  I snuggle closer to him and smile as we get a few more quiet minutes together before Ethan is up.

6:45am - Up and at 'em (late)!  I start on my make-up while Ethan (who is now awake) plays in his crib.  He's been down for 10 hours!  I'm a little surprised that he's not fussing to be fed yet!  Michael repacks the diaper bag and loads it into my car.

7am - Michael changes the monkey, and then I nurse him.  After I finish, Michael kisses us goodbye and heads off to work for the day.  I finish getting ready while Ethan plays with his Sophie.  He is definitely a morning baby - the exact opposite of his Mommy!

7:30am - We head off to PawPaw's!  I sing to Ethan on the way.  This morning's play list: Super Bass.  He was thrilled. :)

8am - We arrive at PawPaw's, and I have to give my "kisses bye".  This is always a drawn out process because I just want to stay and play all day long.

8:30am - After stopping for my morning smoothie, I arrive at work.  (And proceed to order my own Lean 1 protein from Amazon for $30 since Smoothie King wanted $50 for a tub!)

Douche-Magoo arrived ahead of me today and parked across two parking spots by the door AGAIN (one of them being my normal spot).  One of these days, I'll probably tell him something...
I have just enough time to get settled into my desk before several people stop in with random questions.  I'm happy to answer them, and it gives me a chance to stay up to speed with what is going on with the employees.  I like to show that I care.

9am - I get started on my emails from the end of the day yesterday and this morning.  We have employees who have graduated and are moving into different positions, and new hires that will need to be in next week's orientation.  I take care of their changes and set-ups.

11am - Coffee & time to pump!  Thankfully, I can just lock my door and keep working.  It's all about multitasking!
Trying a new fat free coffee creamer today.  Yum!

Holy moo cow!  After about 5 minutes of pumping, I look down to see my left book has almost overflowed the bottle!  I switch out the bottle and end this session with 14 ounces total.  Looks like Ethan's 10 hours of sleep paid off in more ways than one!  He's been getting two 6 ounce bottles while away from me during the day.  This and whatever I pump later will give me a surplus to add to my freezer stash.  This makes me happy.

noon - Before lunch, I update my online food journal.  I've been much better about updating it this week.  When I lost 35 lbs. in 2008, I believe my food/exercise journal was the main reason I did so well.  So far today, I've had 381 calories.  Adding a salad, turkey sandwich on wheat and Sunchips to that total!
So good I didn't have time to stop for a picture!

1pm - Stop to read an article about Tripp.  Something about this baby just won't leave me for even a day...  I say a prayer for Courtney, and thank God for my beautiful, healthy little boy.  I don't want to ever take him for granted.
I go over my new hires in training list and make contact to see where they are at (i.e. completed, needs more training, etc.).

3pm - Voicemails, voicemails, voicemails!  I have to screen my calls because we get so many asking if we are hiring.  I've learned the hard way that most of the time it is not a quick call to answer!  I start returning the day's calls.

4pm - End of the day wrap-up.  I make notes for tomorrow's day and finish up the current day's projects.  Looks like I might get out on time to make my two gym classes tonight!

5pm - I'm racing out the door!  I got caught up at work.  I head to Whole Foods to grab the missing ingredients for tonight's dinner.  By 5:45pm, I'm heading to the gym.  I call my dad to get the daily recap for Ethan.  He napped well, played happily and had an overall good day.  Always what Mommy wants to hear. :)

6:15pm - There was a stalled car on the interstate at my exit.  I have missed my weight class, but decide to go to the gym anyway for some cardio.  I'm quite aggravated.

7pm - I arrive home to find that Michael has taken care of dinner!  It was a nice surprise after the pissy afternoon on the road. :)  I'll save my new recipe for the weekend.  I make Ethan's oatmeal, and then Michael tries to feed him while I grab a bite for dinner.  We're still working on getting the hang of solids.  Then, I nurse Ethan while Michael showers.

8pm - Bath time for baby!  Ethan LOVES bath time!  I swear he splashes about half of the water in the tun onto the floor!  He will definitely be a true water-baby this summer!  After monkey's bath, Daddy takes him to lotion, diaper and dress for bed while I get a shower.  Gym funk stinks!

8:30pm - I nurse Ethan (bedtime snack), and then it's story time.  Tonight, we read about Captain America (Daddy's favorite hero).  Then we say our prayers and Ethan goes down for the night.  Now it's time for Mommy to have a little dessert (Krazy Kookie Dough!) and update the blog.

9:30pm - I sip on a glass of wine while Michael and I catch up for the day.  He always has fun stories from the bank!

10pm - It's bedtime for Mommy & Daddy! *yawn*  Goodnight! :)

So this ended up being a little harder than I thought.  I couldn't constantly update, so I had to keep track of my day in other ways.  I also had to try to remember to snap pictures, which I normally would not.  All in all, I'm glad I decided to participate.  It will be interesting to look back on this and the "home" post later in life. :)

1 comment:

  1. Busy girl! Great job in being able to fit it all in & working out too!
