Tuesday, January 3, 2012

New Year

Hello 2012.  Think you can beat 2011?  I'd like to see you try.

And, I mean that.  It would make for an incredible year if it could.  2011 brought so many amazing experiences.  I mean, seriously.  I had a baby.  How much more life changing does it get?

I've been doing some thinking on what my resolutions should be this year.  I know; I'm late.  Obviously I want to lose the baby weight.  That's a given.  I've lost weight before, so I know I can do it.  I guess I should also resolve to be more forgiving of my body than before.  Everything isn't exactly in its place anymore, and there's a good chance it never will be again!  So, other than the tried-and-true, I do have a few others in mind...

1 - Earn my PHR certification.  This has been on my "to-do list" for a couple of years now.  Every single time I would think about it and go to sign up, it was outside of the application periods.  I have set my reminders and I WILL take it this year.  Passing is a whole other thing. ;)

2 - Organize my house.  This has been a work in progress.  I've gotten much better at getting organized, but now that we're down a room I don't have any other choice than to become pro.  My goal is to truly turn our front room into an office, and the closet into an off-season clothing storage (but a good one).

3 - Pay off Michael's car.  We've both been paying early and extra on our car notes; and I'm pretty sure that if we push a little more, we could get his paid off this year.

Those are the resolutions I have that can be "weighed & measured".  I have others that are more internal; i.e. be more patient, be more forgiving, etc. etc.  Those are on-going.

So!  Here's to a great 2012! :)

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