Wednesday, January 25, 2012


That's where I was last night.

I had this thought...  It went something like, "I am so blessed to have such an easy baby.  I bet my next one gives me hell!"


Now, I can't put all the blame on Ethan.  Michael and I were laying in bed talking when I heard a rumble on the baby monitor.  I said, "I think Ethan just shit his pants."  That prompted Michael to get up and go change him.  Which then prompted me to run in there asking him what in the hell he was doing (I've never yelled so loudly in a whisper)!  We haven't changed Ethan after he's down for bed in MONTHS!  We've been careful not to do anything to get him wound up for fear that he would not go back to sleep easily.  Welp.  That's exactly what happened.  My normally pleasant-at-night baby who sleeps at least 6 hours straight but usually 8 or 10, woke up and cried constantly all.night.long.  This all started around 11pm.  Michael got up to soothe him a few times.  I fed him at 1:20am...remember looking at the clock around 3am...fed him again at 5am..  Oh, and Michael was up a few times in there too.  Michael finally brought him in bed with us after he woke up again after the 5am session.  He slept soundly until 7am - the longest, most amazing stretch of the night.  I must say it was super nice to snuggle my little guy for that brief amount of time.  (I secretly wish we would co-sleep, but I know it would be a real PITA to break down the road.)

I am one tired Momma.  Michael has a class for work today.  I imagine he's sitting at the back of the room with his head knocked back and snoring through his mouth. lol..

Lesson learned.

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