Tuesday, October 29, 2013


We have secured a doula!!  I am beyond excited.  With this and the birth photographer, I already feel set to deliver this baby.

Also, today, we purchased our outdoor kitchen grill and storage:

Michael is so excited - it is pretty adorable.  We decided on the cabinets with the drawer space to go below the grill, and then just an access door under the sink.  We won't have space for much more storage since the refrigerator space will take up a chunk of the other side.  The only items that will really stay out there are his grill tools in the drawer and then the cleaning supplies & rags in the cabinet.

This past weekend, the floors were scored and stained:


They've been covered and protected, so now it's just a waiting game.  Once the house is complete and move-in ready, they'll come back to do the apoxy finish - which will make it more clear and super shiny.  Like this:

We should have the exterior doors installed this week, and the mantle redone for that brick lip.  The fireplace was already sitting there when I went by yesterday.  Cabinets are being measured for this week (possibly started, too).  Sheetrock is being dropped tomorrow.  So many exciting things!!  Next on our list is selecting tile for the master shower and master tub & kitchen backsplashes.  Woot woot!

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