Monday, October 14, 2013


And, it's framed!

It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood.
So, it pretty much looks like a house.  That's awesome.  Last week, I went over our electrical plan with our "acting" General Contractor.  Michael and I went over the plans and made sure that we were on the same page with where all of the cable/drops would be, as well as speakers.  The next step will be finding a sound system for the house.  Basically, we want to be able to switch from the TV to iPod seamlessly, and adjust what speakers are playing in what rooms.  Shouldn't be too hard, right?
They also started to install the plumbing.  Saturday, we saw the shower/tub combos were already put in, as well as the plumbing and gas lines started.  At some point this week or weekend, we'll finalize the concrete stains and designs. The master tub will take about two weeks to come in, and then that will be installed.   However, we have run into our first problem... On our visit, we noticed that the master tub space looks like a standard 5' length.  We tried to measure it by our wingspans (since your wingspan is relatively close to your height for most people), and I could touch both sides of the framing boards.  Our plans clearly call for a 66" tub space, and, dammit, that's what we're getting.  We can't return the tub!  I emailed our GC about it and he said that he and the plumber noticed that on Friday and that the framer is coming back to correct.  All DSLD houses have the standard 5' - there's not an upgrade option on that item.  So, he probably just assumed the same for our house - which he shouldn't have done, but it was an honest mistake.  I just hope that the correcting of this issue does not interfere with our completion date.

Our paint colors needed to be picked like yesterday.  We went to the Sherwin Williams in Denham to try to take care of that about two weeks ago.  It was a total disaster.  All they had were a few tri-fold brochures - no catalogues.  We picked up a few swatches, and were able to at least decide on our front door stain and shutter colors.  I grabbed a few home idea magazines at Home Depot, so hopefully we'll get inspired by those.  Must complete the rest of this task TODAY.

I am pretty excited on the baby front!  I booked our birth photographer and had my first prenatal massage last week!  Paris Parker has this fabulous spa series package.  You get six 1-hour services for $300.  Since I had a nice sized gift card from my birthday to use, I figured this would be the perfect way to use it.  I will literally get at least one massage per month from now until March, when the baby is due.  Hopefully, between that and prenatal yoga 2-3 times a week, I am super set for a fabulous pregnancy and delivery. ;)

Ethan started sleeping in a toddler bed two nights ago.  I thought we were going to be dealing with a lot of up and down all night because he's never had the opportunity to get out of bed and play before.  However, he stayed down both nights!  I watched him toss and turn a few times on the monitor last night, but he stayed in bed asleep.  We might have a slight problem in the mornings though.  Michael got up this morning and heard Ethan waking up.  He went to walk across the house to his room, and Ethan met him in the kitchen!  We've known that he knows how to open doors, but just didn't think that he would crawl out of bed and open the door immediately.  I just figured he might find his toys on the floor and start playing!  Opps!  But, at least we know he's ready for that transition once we're in the house.  We will need to start thinking about either another crib (since Ethan's bed converts to a toddler and then full bed), or picking a toddler bed out for Ethan.

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