Friday, October 4, 2013

Tubs, fixtures and FRAMING! Oh my!

Yeah, so... We're framing.  I guess you could say it's getting pretty serious.

Now that everything is moving along, we're starting to get behind.  Uhm, how did this happen?  No clue!  So, today, we picked out our tub (a story all on its own), toilets, kitchen & bath fixtures, sinks, etc. etc.  It actually went a lot smoother than I would have anticipated!  Part of the reason is that she had the list from the other house similar to ours.  So, we picked everything that we loved and when it came to "Hmmm...I don't know..", we went with their picks.  Can I just say that I am already in love with my kitchen and master bathroom?  The story with the tub is that we had to place a special order for the tub since Michael wanted a larger than standard size.  I knew the rough additional cost that it was going to be, but was hoping to skip that part with Michael around.  I've been keeping track of our budget and knew that the tub would be fine.  If you know Michael, you know how cheap he is.  With this house, he hasn't been nearly as bad because we do want the best.  Sooo....I pretty much let him pick the tub.  Then she tells us the cost and reminds us that it's a special order.  Michael asks what the difference in that and the standard size (basically the garden tubs in all DSLD houses).  The answer... about $900.  I thought Michael was about to shomit.  So, I reminded him about how we were saving so much on the flooring budget with the stained concrete and that opened up the budget for other items , including the tub.  He proceeded to give me the stank eye on anything else I loved that was more than standard (not by any obscene amount!).  Sorry, dude!  My kitchen and bathroom are going to be awesome! ;)

We have our next prenatal appointment on Monday, and it should be fairly uneventful.  I do have to get more blood work done (Yippee! /sarcasm) since the baby wouldn't cooperate on a couple of positions at the ultrasound to get the measurements they needed.  Apparently, they can do a blood test for what was missed.

We've been listening to the baby's heartbeat with Ethan.  He is so sweet about it.  He sits there and listens to it and smiles.  The other night, he kept trying to find "his baby" with the doppler on his belly.  So.stinking.cute.  Oh, and I think he has a girlfriend at school.  o_0  He ALWAYS talks about Tessa.  I mean, seriously.  Anytime someone mentions school, he immediately starts jabbering about Tessa!  I asked his teacher if she noticed anything, and she said that they sit across from each other at the table, so he is looking right at her when they're coloring or working on anything.  And, I noticed when I pick him up, he naps next to her.  This "Tessa infatuation" is pretty adorable.

So, minus the craziness at work, it's been a pretty good week.  They should wrap up framing on Wednesday (granted this damn storm in the gulf will stay away), and the plumbing guy will start working on his part Thursday.  Oh, and we should be deciding on our stained concrete colors/pattern/etc!  Woohoo!

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