Babies R Us - go figure.
Background - We bought a crib. Crib was recalled. Instructions were followed, and crib voucher was received from crib company. Shopping around commenced. Also note, said crib voucher works at Babies R Us only.
Now that everyone reading is up to speed...
This week I received an email from Babies R Us about their "Great Trade-In" sale/deal. Basically, you bring in an old crib (or whatever from their select list), and you receive a 25% off coupon on the purchase of a new crib (or whatever from their select list). Since I had been trying to figure out a way to not waste the leftover parts from the recalled crib (we only had to send back the nuts & bolts), this was the perfect opportunity! The new crib that we had pretty much decided on was about $30-40 more than what our voucher was worth; the 25% off coupon would more than cover the difference. Keep in mind, we were more than willing to pay the difference when we saw the new crib, but this was too great of an offer to pass up.
So, today we made our way over to Babies R Us to place our order and scratch one more thing off of our "Baby To-Do" list. Being that it was Saturday, the store was quite busy. No biggie, we were not in a rush. We turned in the old crib and received our 25% off coupon with no problems. We were even allowed to bring a piece of the old crib to the back to compare the colors to make sure the new crib matched the changing table we still had. Everyone was very nice and helpful up to the point of check out.
The lady rang up our order, scanned the coupon and then proceeded to ask our method of payment. We then present the voucher. The cashier excused herself with the voucher - we assumed she needed a manager. About 15 minutes later, she comes back with a newly printed, slightly different voucher. She did not explain her absence, but we figured that she needed a bar code that the computer would recognize. No problem. As I stated before, we were in no rush. She then scans the voucher - remember, the crib and coupon had already been scanned. She then tells us there is a difference of $38. Now, in a normal, functioning world one would imagine that the 25% coupon would deduct from the price of the crib, and then the voucher would act like a gift card and pay the remaining balance. Well, sirs and madams, that is not the Babies R Us way. I thought the $38 difference was the negative left from the voucher being worth more than the total. No. That was the amount we still owed. Um, que? The poor cashier looked just as confused as we did. She walked to the other side of the Guest Services table and called for her manager. The manager speaks to her and explains what the computer did and that she cannot change it. The only reason we know this is because we were close enough to overhear; not because the worthless manager had the courtesy to come over and explain it herself or possibly apologize for all of the waiting and confusion - that would not have been very Babies R Us of her. Basically, the price of the crib scanned, then the voucher amount was deducted, THEN the 25% off was placed on the difference of the crib's original price and the voucher. Whatever. Screw it. We paid the difference and left with an order for the crib we wanted.
The bottom line is this - the principle of the matter. We were more than willing to pay the difference, but the store offered a great deal of a sale for us to take advantage of. Instead of clearly marking their coupons or policies, or even staffing a manager who gave a rat's ass, they nickel and dimed us with a scam sale. I realize that no one really wins with a recall on a product; however, the loss should not be shifted to the consumer who followed the requested procedure for replacing the defective product. On top of everything, the information about the event stated that the emphasis was on recalled products that should not be resold or passed down. We did everything we were supposed to, and our reward was $10 off. At least we got that, I guess.
If I was not already aggravated with my experiences at Babies R Us, this would have been enough on its own. I am DONE. They WILL NOT receive anymore business from us or our loved ones, if we can help it. We will definitely, beyond a shadow of a doubt, NOT be registering with them. Thankfully, I've had some great recommendations for online registries. I think those in addition to Target will be what we go with. I would like to give at least one option for people to shop at an actual store if they choose. But, NOT Babies R Us.
We are also contacting their corporate office to file a complaint. If that is the way they do business, then it should be clearly marked and/or explained to the consumer upfront.
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Hello 2nd Trimester!
Last night was the first time in weeks that I did not get a headache!! Even Michael noticed! It was so nice to have dinner and watch a movie before bed without having to go dig out the Tylenol. I kept waiting for it to hit during 9 o'clock hour, but not this time! One happy pregnant lady over here! :) I guess the 2nd trimester has officially arrived! And, I could not be more excited about it!
So, I may not have "popped" yet, but I definitely have a little belly! I'm trying to get used to it. lol! It still blows my mind to think that I have a little life growing inside of me. I listen to his/her heartbeat recording and watch the ultrasound video every day. It is such an indescribable feeling that comes over me. This little person that I already love so much... Gives me goosebumps! :) I've found a song that I love to listen to while thinking about the baby - Blessed by Elton John. As sappy as it sounds, it makes me feel all warm and happy inside.
Michael's birthday is this Friday. I love celebrating his birthday, but he's so laid back about it. Every year I try to do something grand for him, but all he really wants is to hang out with family and friends. So, since this is his Golden Birthday, I told him we would do whatever HE wants, 100% I will make it happen - and not throw any extra frills in. lol So, we're going to have our family dinner at his favorite Mexican place, and then hang out with friends at a local pub. I am having a really hard time restraining myself! LOL! But, I promised. :) I was sooooo tempted to rent out the Laser Tag place again! I know he'd have a great time, but this is what he wants. I have to keep telling myself that!
So, I may not have "popped" yet, but I definitely have a little belly! I'm trying to get used to it. lol! It still blows my mind to think that I have a little life growing inside of me. I listen to his/her heartbeat recording and watch the ultrasound video every day. It is such an indescribable feeling that comes over me. This little person that I already love so much... Gives me goosebumps! :) I've found a song that I love to listen to while thinking about the baby - Blessed by Elton John. As sappy as it sounds, it makes me feel all warm and happy inside.
Michael's birthday is this Friday. I love celebrating his birthday, but he's so laid back about it. Every year I try to do something grand for him, but all he really wants is to hang out with family and friends. So, since this is his Golden Birthday, I told him we would do whatever HE wants, 100% I will make it happen - and not throw any extra frills in. lol So, we're going to have our family dinner at his favorite Mexican place, and then hang out with friends at a local pub. I am having a really hard time restraining myself! LOL! But, I promised. :) I was sooooo tempted to rent out the Laser Tag place again! I know he'd have a great time, but this is what he wants. I have to keep telling myself that!
Thursday, January 20, 2011
I could not think of a better word to describe yesterday afternoon.

My parents came with us to the appointment in hopes that my mom would be able to do an ultrasound on me. This was supposed to be just another regular visit. The next ultrasound will be in about 6 weeks, and by then my mom might be able to tell the sex. And, as most everyone knows, we're trying to wait until the baby is born. :) My doctor was gracious enough to let my mom play on the old machine and do an ultrasound for fun in his office (where she used to work). We were able to record the heartbeat, which was jumping around in the 170s again. Then, my mom took over and we were able to see our little baby. The sight of our little sweet pea moving all around was absolutely amazing. We did not get to see anything like that on the first ultrasound. This made it so real. The baby was waving it's little arms around and even tried to put it's hand in it's mouth a couple of times! I wished that we could have stayed there all day, just watching our baby's movements. I was even able to capture some video on my phone (posted on Facebook & in 3 parts on the website). I'll always treasure those moments. I am so grateful that I was able to share something so special with my own mom. And, of course, Michael and my daddy! :)
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Yesterday, Michael bought me my first maternity shirt. *du du duuuuuum!*
It was really sweet actually. I saw this sleep shirt that says "Princess and the Pea" when I was shopping for Michelle a couple of weeks ago. It was still there last night when we went shopping for the crib, and Michael grabbed it. I put it on as soon as we got home! :) It was quite roomy and comfy! At least I know it is something that I can grow in to, and probably wear up until the end.
Speaking of the crib....headache! lol Ours was recalled, and I finally received the voucher yesterday. I printed out about 5 options that I wanted to look at in person. Out of the 5, only ONE was actually in the store; the others are online only. That really aggravates me because they can look and feel different in person. I want to make sure we like the color and the quality is good. We did find a set that we love, but decided to think on it and look a little more later. The voucher is for Babies R Us only, but I'm hoping that maybe we could at least see the sets somewhere else, like Cullens. Then, if we had to order from online, I would feel more safe. I just do not want to deal with ordering it online, getting it in, hating it, then having to ship it back and go through it all over again.
Today, I have another prenatal appointment. I'm in my last week of the 1st trimester! Crazy how times flies! I did not realize that we will get to hear the baby's heartbeat again, and I definitely want to record it. Everything with the first ultrasound happened so fast; it was like a blur! I'm hoping that he will let my mom do another ultrasound on me today. :) I think my next "official" one won't be for another 4-8 weeks. It's hard to have an ultrasound and then realize you won't get another one for so long. I want to see our baby every time! One of my co-workers is pregnant and she just had her second US. It was crazy to see how much the baby has grown in such a short amount of time! I really hope we get to see little Ethan or Aubrey again today. :)
It was really sweet actually. I saw this sleep shirt that says "Princess and the Pea" when I was shopping for Michelle a couple of weeks ago. It was still there last night when we went shopping for the crib, and Michael grabbed it. I put it on as soon as we got home! :) It was quite roomy and comfy! At least I know it is something that I can grow in to, and probably wear up until the end.
Speaking of the crib....headache! lol Ours was recalled, and I finally received the voucher yesterday. I printed out about 5 options that I wanted to look at in person. Out of the 5, only ONE was actually in the store; the others are online only. That really aggravates me because they can look and feel different in person. I want to make sure we like the color and the quality is good. We did find a set that we love, but decided to think on it and look a little more later. The voucher is for Babies R Us only, but I'm hoping that maybe we could at least see the sets somewhere else, like Cullens. Then, if we had to order from online, I would feel more safe. I just do not want to deal with ordering it online, getting it in, hating it, then having to ship it back and go through it all over again.
Today, I have another prenatal appointment. I'm in my last week of the 1st trimester! Crazy how times flies! I did not realize that we will get to hear the baby's heartbeat again, and I definitely want to record it. Everything with the first ultrasound happened so fast; it was like a blur! I'm hoping that he will let my mom do another ultrasound on me today. :) I think my next "official" one won't be for another 4-8 weeks. It's hard to have an ultrasound and then realize you won't get another one for so long. I want to see our baby every time! One of my co-workers is pregnant and she just had her second US. It was crazy to see how much the baby has grown in such a short amount of time! I really hope we get to see little Ethan or Aubrey again today. :)
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Toast Chee Peanut Butter crackers
OH how I love thee! Let me count the ways!
I have an almost daily ritual of making my mid-day trip to the vending machine for those delicious little crackers. Last month, for the first time ever, I met defeat. The machine was out. The crazy vending machine lady returns every Wednesday to refill any lacking or empty spots. That chick must have been sick or dead for a month, because I have been without my crackers for at least 5 weeks. I have been checking back several times a week, just in case. My mom says I'm the crazy one for not just running across the street and buying a whole pack to keep at my desk. I know she's right. I could save time and money, but it's about the convenience. I don't want to keep them at my desk because of the temptation to eat more than one 6-pack. If I have to get up and buy a pack, then I'll just stick to the one.
After weeks of waiting, I was finally rewarded! She refilled my empty cracker spot and the world became well again. I couldn't get back to my purse for 50 cents fast enough! I am enjoying each and every bite of these little nuggets of happiness.
*sigh* It's the little things. :)
I have an almost daily ritual of making my mid-day trip to the vending machine for those delicious little crackers. Last month, for the first time ever, I met defeat. The machine was out. The crazy vending machine lady returns every Wednesday to refill any lacking or empty spots. That chick must have been sick or dead for a month, because I have been without my crackers for at least 5 weeks. I have been checking back several times a week, just in case. My mom says I'm the crazy one for not just running across the street and buying a whole pack to keep at my desk. I know she's right. I could save time and money, but it's about the convenience. I don't want to keep them at my desk because of the temptation to eat more than one 6-pack. If I have to get up and buy a pack, then I'll just stick to the one.
After weeks of waiting, I was finally rewarded! She refilled my empty cracker spot and the world became well again. I couldn't get back to my purse for 50 cents fast enough! I am enjoying each and every bite of these little nuggets of happiness.
*sigh* It's the little things. :)
Friday, January 14, 2011
And we have...
A nursery set!! :D

A friend at work sent me invitations to a few discount sites for high-end baby stuff, and when I saw this I fell in love! It's perfect for a neutral nursery! I can leave it as is for a boy, or add a few pink pillows and bows for a girl. Plus it matches the paint that I was going to use. I got the 4-piece crib set, rug, hamper, pillow, wall hangers and window valance for $140. :)
I enjoyed this little moment of accomplishment. lol!

A friend at work sent me invitations to a few discount sites for high-end baby stuff, and when I saw this I fell in love! It's perfect for a neutral nursery! I can leave it as is for a boy, or add a few pink pillows and bows for a girl. Plus it matches the paint that I was going to use. I got the 4-piece crib set, rug, hamper, pillow, wall hangers and window valance for $140. :)
I enjoyed this little moment of accomplishment. lol!
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Starting to feel emotionally detached...
From what? I have no idea...
I feel like I am going back and forth. I question myself as to whether or not I will be a good mother, then I remember how much faith Michael has in me... Then, I think about how amazing he's going to be and I question myself again. I guess this is normal? I go through a spot at least once a day where I feel like I am not going to be a good, emotionally attached mother. I think about how I've lost weight instead of gained, even though I was sick. I wish I would just get a little pop and show, but then I remember that I don't want that to happen too soon and that I'm only 11 weeks along. I am starting to feel like a crazy person thinking that all of these things mean that I don't love and care for my baby.
I've been going to the gym with Michael to keep my energy up and to just feel better in general, but I don't know if it's working. I feel cranky and tired all the time. If I have a good day where I have more energy, by the time I get home, I'm pooped. Then, sometimes I get really nauseous after the gym. Last night was BAD. I was in the shower and I thought I was going to puke and pass out. I think it's because I am finally starting to get my appetite back, but still not used to eating more. I'm just praying the 2nd trimester energy, hunger and happiness make an appearance soon!
On another note, I canceled our NT screening ultrasound for next week. At first, we went ahead and scheduled it, just in case. Then, we thought & talked about it some more... There is no disability that would make us decide to abort our baby. I could never do that. Plus, there are many false positives from these early tests, and they only give you a likelihood anyway - not a guarantee. I would rather not worry over something that might turn out to be nothing. If our baby is sick, we will love and care for it the same as if it were healthy.
Another thing that makes me feel crazy, happens when I'm at the gym. I have been bringing my "What to Expect" book with me to read while doing my cardio. I have this thought that runs through my mind every time I'm there that someone is going to walk up to me and tell me that I'm going too fast or that I shouldn't be exercising. I'm telling you - crazy person right here. I've thought about just leaving the book at home, but I've found that it really helps the time pass. Plus, as vain as it sounds, I feel like a fatty and the book says "I'm pregnant, not fat!"when people see it. LOL I know, that's horrible.
I'm kind of jumping around, but that is how my mind has been - up and down, left and right. I cried over an email this morning about a 2-legged dog. It really was inspiring though. Dogs are such amazing, loving creatures. It made me think about when we first got Koopa and he was so sick. I'm tearing up just typing that out... Michael and I refused to give up on him and nursed him back to health. It did not matter to us how long it would take. We had to be very patient with him and conscious of his needs. I love that little fur ball so much. I try to remember things like that when I start questioning myself as a mother. If I can care for my pup that much, I will have plenty of love for my baby.
I feel like I am going back and forth. I question myself as to whether or not I will be a good mother, then I remember how much faith Michael has in me... Then, I think about how amazing he's going to be and I question myself again. I guess this is normal? I go through a spot at least once a day where I feel like I am not going to be a good, emotionally attached mother. I think about how I've lost weight instead of gained, even though I was sick. I wish I would just get a little pop and show, but then I remember that I don't want that to happen too soon and that I'm only 11 weeks along. I am starting to feel like a crazy person thinking that all of these things mean that I don't love and care for my baby.
I've been going to the gym with Michael to keep my energy up and to just feel better in general, but I don't know if it's working. I feel cranky and tired all the time. If I have a good day where I have more energy, by the time I get home, I'm pooped. Then, sometimes I get really nauseous after the gym. Last night was BAD. I was in the shower and I thought I was going to puke and pass out. I think it's because I am finally starting to get my appetite back, but still not used to eating more. I'm just praying the 2nd trimester energy, hunger and happiness make an appearance soon!
On another note, I canceled our NT screening ultrasound for next week. At first, we went ahead and scheduled it, just in case. Then, we thought & talked about it some more... There is no disability that would make us decide to abort our baby. I could never do that. Plus, there are many false positives from these early tests, and they only give you a likelihood anyway - not a guarantee. I would rather not worry over something that might turn out to be nothing. If our baby is sick, we will love and care for it the same as if it were healthy.
Another thing that makes me feel crazy, happens when I'm at the gym. I have been bringing my "What to Expect" book with me to read while doing my cardio. I have this thought that runs through my mind every time I'm there that someone is going to walk up to me and tell me that I'm going too fast or that I shouldn't be exercising. I'm telling you - crazy person right here. I've thought about just leaving the book at home, but I've found that it really helps the time pass. Plus, as vain as it sounds, I feel like a fatty and the book says "I'm pregnant, not fat!"when people see it. LOL I know, that's horrible.
I'm kind of jumping around, but that is how my mind has been - up and down, left and right. I cried over an email this morning about a 2-legged dog. It really was inspiring though. Dogs are such amazing, loving creatures. It made me think about when we first got Koopa and he was so sick. I'm tearing up just typing that out... Michael and I refused to give up on him and nursed him back to health. It did not matter to us how long it would take. We had to be very patient with him and conscious of his needs. I love that little fur ball so much. I try to remember things like that when I start questioning myself as a mother. If I can care for my pup that much, I will have plenty of love for my baby.
Monday, January 10, 2011
Too early to think about a baby registry?
If you read my last post, you know about the nightmare I experienced at Babies R Us. Now that Michael and I have started shopping for the baby, it has me thinking about when it comes time for our registry.
For every baby shower I have ever been invited to, it has always been Babies R Us for the registry. I really, really do not want to register there after this past weekend, for many reasons. One, we have only ONE option when it comes to the store itself. Two, the prices are ridiculously high in comparison to Target/Wal-Mart and online stores. Three, if it drives me crazy to shop there, then I do not want to bother my loved ones with it.
I did a little research, and I think I have come down to a decision. Outside of Babies R Us, Target was rated the next best for baby registries. They have a pretty good selection and much more reasonable prices in comparison. Like I said, I know it's early, but I couldn't help but to think about it after the "experience" of last Friday.
Am I strange? Will people think I'm crazy for not going with the "tried & true" baby store??
For every baby shower I have ever been invited to, it has always been Babies R Us for the registry. I really, really do not want to register there after this past weekend, for many reasons. One, we have only ONE option when it comes to the store itself. Two, the prices are ridiculously high in comparison to Target/Wal-Mart and online stores. Three, if it drives me crazy to shop there, then I do not want to bother my loved ones with it.
I did a little research, and I think I have come down to a decision. Outside of Babies R Us, Target was rated the next best for baby registries. They have a pretty good selection and much more reasonable prices in comparison. Like I said, I know it's early, but I couldn't help but to think about it after the "experience" of last Friday.
Am I strange? Will people think I'm crazy for not going with the "tried & true" baby store??
Saturday, January 8, 2011
No morning sickness, but...
I did manage to catch the flu this year! I did not get the flu shot because I kept hearing people talk about how bad they felt for a few days afterward. Go figure! lol Today was the first time I have left the house since Tuesday. I needed it!
Part of the reason that I went out today was to purchase a shower gift for my friend Michelle. I have not been to Babies R Us in quite some time, but I looked at the registry beforehand and figured it'd be a quick trip. WRONG! I walked in and was immediately overwhelmed with the set-up of the store. It felt like everything was just tossed out in the open. I'm all about rows and organization when I shop. I got over that and decided to browse the items that I was considering. That did not go too well since I could not figure out where ANYTHING was! I finally pulled out my phone so that I could look up what the items looked like. The first 3 things I started to look for were not available in stores. The next 5-6 items were there, but not in the right colors/patterns. About 2 hours after I arrived, I finally left with a Bobby thing and 2 covers for it. I have absolutely no desire to go back to that store until I am dragged by my heels to go do our registry. It has definitely reconfirmed my belief in shopping online!
Speaking of shopping online, I purchased more diapers for us today. I love's Cash Back program! Saved almost $12 today! :) I feel kind of weird buying diapers for a baby that is not here yet. I know I will appreciate it though! I know those things get expensive very quickly after the baby arrives!
I wanted to write more tonight, but I'm about to doze off at the computer! Guess I'll have to save some for tomorrow or another day. :) G'nite!
Part of the reason that I went out today was to purchase a shower gift for my friend Michelle. I have not been to Babies R Us in quite some time, but I looked at the registry beforehand and figured it'd be a quick trip. WRONG! I walked in and was immediately overwhelmed with the set-up of the store. It felt like everything was just tossed out in the open. I'm all about rows and organization when I shop. I got over that and decided to browse the items that I was considering. That did not go too well since I could not figure out where ANYTHING was! I finally pulled out my phone so that I could look up what the items looked like. The first 3 things I started to look for were not available in stores. The next 5-6 items were there, but not in the right colors/patterns. About 2 hours after I arrived, I finally left with a Bobby thing and 2 covers for it. I have absolutely no desire to go back to that store until I am dragged by my heels to go do our registry. It has definitely reconfirmed my belief in shopping online!
Speaking of shopping online, I purchased more diapers for us today. I love's Cash Back program! Saved almost $12 today! :) I feel kind of weird buying diapers for a baby that is not here yet. I know I will appreciate it though! I know those things get expensive very quickly after the baby arrives!
I wanted to write more tonight, but I'm about to doze off at the computer! Guess I'll have to save some for tomorrow or another day. :) G'nite!
Sunday, January 2, 2011
Happy New Year!
Well, I must say that this has definitely been a different holiday season in the best way! The past few years, I have been fairly organized and timely when Christmas season started to roll around. This year, my mind has been preoccupied and my body has been exhausted! I turned into a last minute decorator and shopper - insane, I know. It's just that with all of the excitement over the pregnancy, we just did not care about any of the material objects that typically surround the holidays. :)
Being with family means more to us than anything, and that was even more important this year with the baby news. We have been overwhelmed with the joy and happiness that everyone has been sharing with us. I guess I never thought or realized that so many people would be almost as happy as we are about this baby! We are very blessed!
We are currently looking at nursery ideas, and I'm pretty sure we have nailed down at least the paint colors! Since we're not finding out the sex, we needed something neutral that could be played up to be boy or girl very easily once the baby arrives. We decided on light & dark aqua with some brown trim. I was pretty set on stripes for one wall, but then I saw this (minus the pink and letters):
I guess I could mix it up a little... I'm thinking that 2 of the walls will be solid. And, on one of the solid walls, I picked out a tree that I plan to paint:
Any thoughts and/or opinions are welcome! Hope everyone had a wonderful New Year!
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