Thursday, January 20, 2011


I could not think of a better word to describe yesterday afternoon.

My parents came with us to the appointment in hopes that my mom would be able to do an ultrasound on me. This was supposed to be just another regular visit. The next ultrasound will be in about 6 weeks, and by then my mom might be able to tell the sex. And, as most everyone knows, we're trying to wait until the baby is born. :) My doctor was gracious enough to let my mom play on the old machine and do an ultrasound for fun in his office (where she used to work). We were able to record the heartbeat, which was jumping around in the 170s again. Then, my mom took over and we were able to see our little baby. The sight of our little sweet pea moving all around was absolutely amazing. We did not get to see anything like that on the first ultrasound. This made it so real. The baby was waving it's little arms around and even tried to put it's hand in it's mouth a couple of times! I wished that we could have stayed there all day, just watching our baby's movements. I was even able to capture some video on my phone (posted on Facebook & in 3 parts on the website). I'll always treasure those moments. I am so grateful that I was able to share something so special with my own mom. And, of course, Michael and my daddy! :)

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