Sunday, January 2, 2011

Happy New Year!

Well, I must say that this has definitely been a different holiday season in the best way! The past few years, I have been fairly organized and timely when Christmas season started to roll around. This year, my mind has been preoccupied and my body has been exhausted! I turned into a last minute decorator and shopper - insane, I know. It's just that with all of the excitement over the pregnancy, we just did not care about any of the material objects that typically surround the holidays. :)

Being with family means more to us than anything, and that was even more important this year with the baby news. We have been overwhelmed with the joy and happiness that everyone has been sharing with us. I guess I never thought or realized that so many people would be almost as happy as we are about this baby! We are very blessed!

We are currently looking at nursery ideas, and I'm pretty sure we have nailed down at least the paint colors! Since we're not finding out the sex, we needed something neutral that could be played up to be boy or girl very easily once the baby arrives. We decided on light & dark aqua with some brown trim. I was pretty set on stripes for one wall, but then I saw this (minus the pink and letters):

I guess I could mix it up a little... I'm thinking that 2 of the walls will be solid. And, on one of the solid walls, I picked out a tree that I plan to paint:

Any thoughts and/or opinions are welcome! Hope everyone had a wonderful New Year!

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