Saturday, January 8, 2011

No morning sickness, but...

I did manage to catch the flu this year! I did not get the flu shot because I kept hearing people talk about how bad they felt for a few days afterward. Go figure! lol Today was the first time I have left the house since Tuesday. I needed it!

Part of the reason that I went out today was to purchase a shower gift for my friend Michelle. I have not been to Babies R Us in quite some time, but I looked at the registry beforehand and figured it'd be a quick trip. WRONG! I walked in and was immediately overwhelmed with the set-up of the store. It felt like everything was just tossed out in the open. I'm all about rows and organization when I shop. I got over that and decided to browse the items that I was considering. That did not go too well since I could not figure out where ANYTHING was! I finally pulled out my phone so that I could look up what the items looked like. The first 3 things I started to look for were not available in stores. The next 5-6 items were there, but not in the right colors/patterns. About 2 hours after I arrived, I finally left with a Bobby thing and 2 covers for it. I have absolutely no desire to go back to that store until I am dragged by my heels to go do our registry. It has definitely reconfirmed my belief in shopping online!

Speaking of shopping online, I purchased more diapers for us today. I love's Cash Back program! Saved almost $12 today! :) I feel kind of weird buying diapers for a baby that is not here yet. I know I will appreciate it though! I know those things get expensive very quickly after the baby arrives!

I wanted to write more tonight, but I'm about to doze off at the computer! Guess I'll have to save some for tomorrow or another day. :) G'nite!


  1. go on and sign up for the amazon mom thing (you may even be able to get free amazon prime membership, which is 2 day shipping). you can do "subcribe and save" on lots of things like diapers, wipes, clothes detergent, etc. not sure if you save more than, but i think it takes the hassle of ordering the diapers when they just magically appear at your door!

  2. Nice!! I will definitely check it out! Thank you! :)
