Wednesday, January 19, 2011


Yesterday, Michael bought me my first maternity shirt. *du du duuuuuum!*

It was really sweet actually. I saw this sleep shirt that says "Princess and the Pea" when I was shopping for Michelle a couple of weeks ago. It was still there last night when we went shopping for the crib, and Michael grabbed it. I put it on as soon as we got home! :) It was quite roomy and comfy! At least I know it is something that I can grow in to, and probably wear up until the end.

Speaking of the crib....headache! lol Ours was recalled, and I finally received the voucher yesterday. I printed out about 5 options that I wanted to look at in person. Out of the 5, only ONE was actually in the store; the others are online only. That really aggravates me because they can look and feel different in person. I want to make sure we like the color and the quality is good. We did find a set that we love, but decided to think on it and look a little more later. The voucher is for Babies R Us only, but I'm hoping that maybe we could at least see the sets somewhere else, like Cullens. Then, if we had to order from online, I would feel more safe. I just do not want to deal with ordering it online, getting it in, hating it, then having to ship it back and go through it all over again.

Today, I have another prenatal appointment. I'm in my last week of the 1st trimester! Crazy how times flies! I did not realize that we will get to hear the baby's heartbeat again, and I definitely want to record it. Everything with the first ultrasound happened so fast; it was like a blur! I'm hoping that he will let my mom do another ultrasound on me today. :) I think my next "official" one won't be for another 4-8 weeks. It's hard to have an ultrasound and then realize you won't get another one for so long. I want to see our baby every time! One of my co-workers is pregnant and she just had her second US. It was crazy to see how much the baby has grown in such a short amount of time! I really hope we get to see little Ethan or Aubrey again today. :)

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